Little Girl

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Kazue's POV.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP KAZE!!" Katsuki and I shouted at Kaze.

"Okay, I'll stop just stop shouting!" Kaze said while covering her ears. 

"Hey, Kaze." I asked.


"Do something with our door."

"What do you mean?"

"Look down to our feet Big Sis." I said, and Kaze looked down at the door on the floor.

"Ohh! Sorry! I'll pay for it!"

"Anyway if you have some long business with me, then sorry, I'll go back tomorrow."

Katsuki and Kaze looked at me confused, then Katsuki walked inside.

We watched him leaving. 

I waved goodbye to Kaze, I put the door back and I walked in Katsuki's room. He was sleeping on his bed.

I walked over him and I sat down next to him. Suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist. He covered his face with my back. He sat up, he put me on his lap, his arms was still around me and his head was on my shoulder.

"What's the matter Katsuki..?" I asked quietly.

"You. You keep giving me heart attacks.
1st.: You jumped in front of a moving motorcycle.
2nd.: You were in coma.
3rd.: You were hipnotized.
4th.: You left for training.
5th.: You appeared to tell me that you are going back the next day.
What's next Kazue?"

"..." I didn't give him an answer.

"..." He didn't say anything as well. We were in silence for about 5-6 mins.

"Do you know when will you come back next...??" He asked.

"Yeah.. I'll leave for 3 days, then I'll be here and I'm not going to go there again."

"Okay." -Was all he said then I heard him sleeping. I placed him down slowly as I got out of his arms. I layed down next to him and I fell asleep either.


The next morning I woke up, I made breakfast for Katsuki, I left a note and I walked out.

~3 Days Later~

When the 3 days was out I was on the bus. When I arrived and I got out from the bus I found Katsuki surronded by a bunch of girls. Katsuki looked at them annoying. I ran up to him and I jumped into his arms. I kissed his cheek and I smirked at the other girls and I said

"This one is mine Ladies! Sorry!"

The girls walked away and Katsuki andI heard them saying something like

"Hey, don't you think the girlfriend was cuter than the boy?? I think I fell in love with the girl..!"

I laughed then I looked at him and he was annoyed. I asked

"What is it Katsuki? Is that a problem that I'm more popular even with the girls??"

I put on a smirk. He turned away and we walked home.

When we got home we sat on the sofa and I said

"Hey, Katsuki, tomorrow is Kaze's birthday."

"I know."

"Katsuki do you want to celebrate with the others??"


"What what?? Celebrate that I came back. Just the 6 of us. Here tonight. With alcohol?"

"I'm okay with it."

~Late That Day When The Others Arrived~

"Hey, Ochako, Momo! Can we drink now??"

"Yeah!!!!!!!!" Ochako shouted. She was drank already.

"Of course!!!" Momo shouted as well. She was drank too.

Hours later we all were drank, we played truth or dare while every drank girlfriends were sitting on his drank boyfriend's lap.

Once Momo goes

-Kiss Midoriya-kun for 3 mins!
-That's nothing!

Ochako kissed Izuku then she said

-Dear Todoroki!
-Grab Momo's boobs for 2 mins!!

Momo and Todoroki blushed then Todoroki did it. They were so embarassed. Momo was hugging Todoroki from his lap and her arms was on his back and she covered her face with Todoroki's chest while Todoroki's arms was around Momo's waist tightly.

-O-okay, Bakugou.
-Dare me!!!!
-Kiss Midoriya.
-What the fuck Half and Ha-

I glared at him. He really did kiss Izuku.Ochako and I was taking pictures of them. Once Katsuki stopped, he glared at me for a few seconds, then he lifted me up and he made me sat on his lap again. We continued the game for hours.

Once I looked at the clock and I said

"Guys It's 4: 37 AM. What should we do?"

"Stay up more! Tomorrow we don't have school anyways!" Ochako said.

"What do you mean tomorrow we don't have school? The tomorrow is today and It's Wendesday isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah, but all the teachers are going to search for Villians to ask then where are their boss."

"Huh. Funny. What will they use?"

"I think they will pour that so called Villian poison." Todoroki said.

"Oh, oka- Wait what?! Villian poison?! That one in purple box saying 'Wondering Poison'?!"

"No I think the blue one."

"Oh, okay. That's not really warning for us."

"Really then what about the purple one?"

"That's the brutal one. When I practiced with one of my Villian rivals a Hero appeared and he attacked her with that poison. Her bones burnt into nothing. It was brutal."

"Well yeah that's brutal."

"Let's just not talk about it ok??"

"Ok!" Ochako answered happily to my task.

We drank more alcohol. I was the last one who fell asleep on the floor.

I woke up first at 15: 48 PM. I was so confused. I saw the others laying on the floorI took a picture everyone and then I went to the kitchen to make some food. As I finished I wrote a note and I went to jog for a little.

At my way back I met a long brown haired girl with a hoodie sitting on the ground lifeless. I was terrified. I ran up to her and I started to shake her a little. She didn't answered first. When I called her and shook her harsly she raised up her head and I saw two beautiful Ocean eyes. They were lifeless. I quickly took her home and I placed her on the sofa. I brought her a glass of water. The others from Katsuki's room came down and they all asked

"Who is this girl??"

"I don't know. I found her on the street lifeless and-"

"Where is Petite?"

The little suddenly wispered. I looked at her confused then I asked

"Who is Petite little girl?"

"Petite is my doll what looks exacly like you nee-chan."


My job is done with this chapter! I hope you enjoyed! I know It's a little boring but don't skip it cause these parts will play an important role in the book! Anyway, have a good day guys!

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