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Kazue's POV.

"No Katsuki. I'm your girlfriend." I winked and I made him blush even more.

"I knew that." He smirked and he kissed me then he said

"I'm off." And he walked out.

I strted to tidy up.and after about 20 minutes Katsuki came home and he just stood in front of the door and he stared at me. He sat down on the sofa then he asked

"Hey Kazue. What's your relationship with that Musa?"

"Whare did that questin come from?"

"I asked first."

"Well he and his wife were acting like my second parents, but not really. I went out to drink often with Musa. His wife Mikasa was acted like my second mom. She worried about my emotionless feelings and about me. I even called her mom for a few times. So where did that question came from?"

"From nowhere. How old is he?"

"When I got there he was about 16-17 years old. After his 20th birthday he got married with Mikasa."

Katsuki just stared at me and then he turned to the TV and he turned it on. I continued tidying. After about 2 hours I heard knocks on the door. I opened it Momo stood in front of me with Todoroki behind.

"Welcome guys." I smiled at them, then when they greeted they came in and they sat down on the sofa next to Katsuki.

"Katsuki did you put the bags in the kitchen?"

Katsuki looked at me then he nodded. I smiled then I asked

"Do you know anything about Izuku and Uraraka?"

As I asked it I heard an another door knock. I opened it and I found Uraraka and Izuku in front of me and they smiled like idiots. I smirked the I asked

"Why is that big smile? Did you two have a great night or what?"

They blused as hell but then I said

"I was just joking. Anyway come in."

They walked in and as Uraraka looked around she said

"Did you tidy up Kazue?! It's so clean!"

I smiled then nodded. I said

"Well guys I tought of curry for dinner. What do you think?"

They nall nodded then Uraraka and Momo said at the same time

"I'd like to help out."

I smiled at them and I said

"Sure. If you want."

Uraraka, Momo and I walked into the kitchen then we strted to cook. Once The boys came in and Izuku said

"It's smells good!"

Uraraka blushed then Todoroki walked up behind Momo and he asked

"This really smells good. When will it be done?"

"It's almost done, wait a little more Shouto-kun."

"Ok, sure."

Uraraka and I smirked at Momo and Todoroki. Momo blushed hard then she noticed Todoroki's head on her shoulder and she asked

"Are you sleepy? We only arrived about an hour ago."

"I'm not sleepy I'm just bored."

"Same here." Katsuki said from behind me while watching me cooking from behind. 

"Really? Why?"

"W-well there was a perfect silence in the livingroom when you started to cook." Izuku stuttered.

"And you came here to talk or say something am I right?" I asked.

They all nodded then I asked again

"And? What do you guys want to talk about?"

"We don't know that's why we came here." Todoroki said.

"I see. Then what about a movie after dinner?" Uraraka asked.

"Sounds good!" Momo said and as she said it something burned her finger.

Well Todoroki felt her jumping behind for a little so he looked up to aske what happened and when he saw Momo's finger his eyes got wide, he stood up like he usually do and he used his quirk to cool down Momo's burnt finger. She blushed and she said while pulling her finger back

"I-it's okay Shouto-kun. It's nothing serious."

Todoroki looked with wide and serious eyes at Momo and he asked

"Where did you get those scars Momo..??"

At then I turned Todoroki into a girl and I said

"Not now lovebirds! I'll take care of her now. You guys have to wait a little more., now go out!"

I said while pushing them out. I the door Todoroki asked

"Can you turn me back? I don't like how my clothes are bigger that me."

I gligged then turned him back I closed the door, then I asked

"So? I know this is a bit early but what are your plans to the Cristmas Eve?"

"I think I'll go on a date with Deku-kun."

"I think I'll stay at Shouto-kun's house until the new year. My mother was really mad and drunk when she found out that I was staying at Shouto-kun's house.. She beat me and scoled me real hard. Since my father left us she was always like this.. I hate her.. Please don't ever tell that to Shouto-kun."

I nodded then I asked

"I've been wondering but if you hate your mother that much why don't you just move into Todoroki's house?"

She blushed hard.

"I mean if you spend lot's of times at his place then why don't you just move in?"

"Well then My mother will kill me.."

My phone began to ring. I picked it up and Mitsuki-san's voice greeted to me:

-Hello Kazue!
-Hello? What can I do for you Mitsuki-san?
-Mom is enough. Well I just wanted to know if are you two okay.
-We are okay m-mom. By the way who should I search for if there is a child abuse?
-I thing at the child attendant. Why? Is there sombody who hurts it's kid?
-Actually yes. My friend's, Momo's mother is hurting her. there are scars on her.
-That's terrible. Well does she have anywhere to go until we get back?
-Yes, at her boyfriends house.
-Okay. Kazue, make sure that she doesn't meet with her mother until we get back.
-Okay, have fun Kazue, I have to go now, byebye!
-Byebye Mitsu- mom.

She hung up then I turned to Momo and I said

"You'll be staying at Todoroki's house for 2 weeks. Don't go near to your house."

"O-okay. Well that's be easy cause my house is big so I can see it from miles away."

"Does that means you are rich?"

"Yes I am.. Our house is the white mansion."

"That's the house you live in?!" Uraraka asked.

"That mansion is lots bigger the U.A. !!"

"Yeah, but let's not talk about this."

I nodded, then I walked over to the rice and I took a look at it. It was done, so I checked the curry. It was done either, so we did the table and we called the boys to eat. At the dinner we talked a lot.


Did you like it? I hope so! :D I want to write something more interesting, and I'll so follow the book to find out what I'm planning ;D! And sorry, but I can't keep the time! I have school, and I'll crazy all of these things from today I'll updating every third day. Byebye guys!

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