2nd Crystal: Kaiya

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Katsuki's POV.

I entered the room and I heard the girls wispering something like

"She's in coma... There is a chance that she'll die.."

My eyes got wide I felf terrified to that sentence. My heart was racing like I'll be murdered. I stood next to her and I looked down on her, then a voice said

"Hey you with the blonde hair! Do you like my little sister?"

"Huh?! Who the hell are you?!!? And why the fuck should I tell you!!!" I shouted and looked at the female figure in front of the door.

"Me? My name is Kana. I'm the 6th sister. Don't shout, I came here to heal her."

"You can?!" Yaowhat shouted.

"I can, but not really. She'll still sleep, just her pshycs is what I can heal. The only thing what can heal her is her quirk. Kaiya-neesan and Kaze told you about the crystals didn't they? If you want to talk to her then you should collect the crystals. If you want to speak with her now then search for Kagome-neesan. She can wake her up for a bit I think."

"We have the first one, who is the 2nd sister?" Yao (Yao=Yaoyorozu, I'm too lazy to write it down a serval times) asked.

"It's Kaiya-neesan."

"Okay, thank you Kana-san!" Deku shouted as he, Todoroki, Uraraka and me ran out.

Momo's POV.

"Okay, thank you Kana-san!" 

Midoriya-kun shoued as he and the others ran out to search for Kaiya-san. I stayed beside Kazue. I noticed that Kana-san was staring at me, but I kept staring at Kazue, when once Kana-san walked over to her other side she pulled the sheets off of her, she placed her palms about 2-3 cm above Kazue's stomach then her hands started to glow green. My eyes got wide. She finished, she pulled the sheets back, placed her left hand to her hip, then she looked at me and she asked

"Are you suprised?" I just nod.

"Well, if you want to know my sercet about it then I'll tell you. So?"

"W-well I would like to hear it.." I said quietly.

"Okay. The thing is that this isn't my quirk. I learned it from my master."

"Really? That's seems like a real quirk."

"It is. It's her quirk. Her quirk is healing, all I wanted to ask you is that you looked pretty interested in this quirk. Do you want to have it?"

I hesitatly nod then she asked

"What's your first quirk?"

"It's creating I can create anything what's not alive."

"I see, we'll mine is the 'hurricane' quirk, I can make or stop any hurricane. So shall we begin to teach you the 'heal quirk'?"

"Y-yeah..?" I said quietly.

~After Hours~

"I made it! I made a wound heal!" I was so happy to finally make a wound heal.

"Well, now you can heal little wounds."

"Hey, Kana-san, why didn't my hands glowing just like yours?"

"Don't be disappoint, everyone has a place to glow on when she/he heals. For my master, her nails are glowing for me my hands, but for you, your eyes were glowing green Momo."

She smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

Izuku's POV.

We ran off and we started to search for Kaiya-san. We split up and as I walked on a street I bumped into someone I quickly apogised like

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Midoriya-kun." A female voice called me. I looked up to see her face and then I asked

"Kaze-san? What are you doing here?"

"Nothing much, I'm just searching for my sister. She is a REAL trouble!"

"Which one are you looking for?"

"For the 6th sister Kana-neesan. She always go away without a word. She is here for 2 months but she already gone somewhere. She did the same when she came here last time. She is so annoying sometimes!"

"We met her."

"What?!? Where?!?"

"In the hospital.."

"Goddamn it, why is she there?"

"She came to see Kazue."

"Kazue is in the hospital?! What happened to her?!?"

"One of my classmates was riding a bike and then accidentaly he hit her with it.."

"Is she alive?!?!"

"Yeah, but she is in coma.."

Kaze-san froze down for a few minutes then she cried. Once a portal appeared behind her. A beautiful woman with long brown hair and pretty green eyes, walked out of it, the portal closed as she pulled Kazue into a tight hug then she asked

"What happened Kaze?"

Since Kaze was taller her head was on the woman's shoulder and she said

"Kazue.. Kazue my little and only sister is in coma.."

"Why is that?"

"She got hit by a bike.."

"Who was the rider?"

"One of his classmates.." Kaze-san said while looking at me. The woman walked over to me she grabbed my arms and she said

"Tell me who was it."

"I-it was K-Kirishima Eijiro.."

"Oh, that brat? Perfect I was planning to go to his house anyway.." She glared at nothing while walking off. I looked confused then I turned around to see Kaze-san. She said

"They are cousins from their mothers. We better go after Naoko, or else she'll kill him."

"Naoko? Is that woman is the Naoko you were talking about in our classroom?"

"Yeah, I know I'm lucky with her, but sometimes she just like and angry hedgehog, she looks a beautiful and gorgeous as hell, but don't look from her look, cause she does anything to make her or me happy. That's why she's going to shout Kirishima's head off. Anyway, we have to make her stop from killing him or who will pay Kazue's hospital bills?"

I nervously smiled at her, then we ran up to Naoko-san. We got to Kirishima-kun's house, and as Naoko-san kicked the door, she rushed in and she shouted everythingwhat came to her mind. Karishima-kun just sit on the floor and he was listening Naoko-san's shouting. After about an hour Naoko-san finally stopped. We sat down on the sofa and I asked

"Do you know where is Kaiya-san?"

"Kaiya-neesan? I think she was at the park when I saw her today."

"Okay, thank you Kaze-san!"

"You're welcome."

With that I ran off and I was searching for Kaiya-san in the park and shouting her name when once she answered back from a tall tree

"What is it Midoriya-kun?"

"We need your crystal!"

"Oh, so you have the one from Kaede-neesan? That's great! I'll be down is a minute!"

"Okay!" She jumped down then I shouted

"A-are you okay Kaiya-san!?! That was about 9 or 10 meters!!"

"I'm totally fine, but anyway, here is my crystal!" Kaiya-san said, while smiling and handing me her crystal.


Doneee~! Well that wasn't a quite happy and funny chapter, but I hope you enjoyed reading it! ByeBye!

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