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Kazue's POV.

"I said you ain't going anywhere." Katsuki said with a serious face. His blood-ruby eyes stared at me and into my soul. I was about to cry. My eyes probaly got red, cause, when I was about to cry he let my wrists go and his arms wrapped around my waist. His forehead was on my shoulder.

"Why? Why do you cry so much?"

"None of your business."

"I'm yours and you are mine since we have the marks on our neck. Now, you are trying to run away from me. Look at me. Now I'm the one who's about to cry.."

"I ran, and I'll move away from your house, to not to see your face. I want to move on. Listen Katsuki, you have a bunch of girl fans, choose one of the--"

I was cut off by a kiss from Katsuki. My body moved on its own. My arms wrapped around Katsuki's neck, and I kissed him back. After a few minutes he let me breathe then I said

"How can you kiss me in such a situation like this? Are you really a player?"

"Just to say I've never had a girlfriend. So many girls had confessed to me but I always turned them down. So I'm not a player."

"But you can be. Or, do you like boys better?"

"You shitty dumbass if i was gay how come I left a mark on you instead of Todoroki?"

"Well I don't know. Anyway  let me move to All Might's place."


"Why not?"

"Cause I want to be with you. Is that a problem?"

"Well yes, cause after about 6 weeks I'll move out to All Might anyway. You are lucky that he didn't see my mark."

"Do you think?"

"I'm sure. But tomorrow I'll move out."

"I don't think so." He took out my phone of my back pocket of my jeans. He smirked.

"As you know, that's the phone from the school, and It has a lock."

"I know it has a lock. And what's the password?"

"Do you really think I'll tell you?"

"Why would you hide your phone from your boyfriend? Are you cheating or what?"

"I'm not cheating. I said I would never cheat on you in my life. I just don't want you to know the password."

"Why what is it?"

"It's Ka-- Oh shit!"

"Ka? What is it Sweetheart?" He put on a huge smirk. I didn't answer. After a few minutes I took my phone back, I tiped the password and I called Mitsuki-san. When she answered:

-Hello? Mitsuki-san? It's Kazue.
-What is it Kazue dear?
-Your son is so arrogant and idiot and a huge d-- { Katsuki took her phone and he said }
-Hello old hag, we called you to tell you Kazue isn't moving tomorrow. She'll stay with me.
-Well then son does that mean her answer is?
-Yes/No! { Katsuki and Kazue shouted at the same time. }
-What is it then?
-Whatever, at home we'll tell you. Bye. { Katsuki hungs up. }

"Why the fuck did you say yes Katsuki?!?" I glared at him.

"Why? I tought you want to marry me."

"That was my first answer. Now the answer is no."

"Why? I'll treat you good ya'know." Katsuki smirked.

"No thanks. Give me back my phone!"

"No. On our way home you can have it."

"I hate it when you doing this. I hate you."

"Well me either." He said. We went back to the class for our pack but when I opened the door we saw Izuku and Uraraka kissing. I almost screamed, but Katsuki covered my mouth. Then he yelled

"Hey plate face, Deku, don't make out in the classrom!!"

They looked at us, confused so we did either. Then Uraraka said

"I heard that you are coming to the wedding either Bakugou-kun."

"Oh, am I?" He looked at me.

I looked at him then I nodded. He put on a smirk. I turned to Uraraka and I cried her

"Uraraka..~ Katsuki don't let me move out or refuse the marriage..!!"

Uraraka glared at Katsuki then she said

"That's not how it works Bakugou-kun! Sometimes you have to let her do what she wants!"

"Umm..?? Marriage?? I didn't know you two were engaged!!!"

We all loooked at Izuku.

"Well it's still a secret and only some people know about that. But I want to refuse it but Katsuki don't let me to do it so I guess I have to accept!" Then I gasped and asked

"By the way, you two were kissing earlier didn't you?"

"Y-yes, but I just asked her out moments earlier!"

"Oh, that's it Izuku! Good boy!" I walked  over to him and I began to pat his head. He just smiled. Katsuki was angrier and angrier at Izuku. Once he grabbed my wrist and he dragged me home. The dinner was ready. I changed my clothes and I went downstair to eat dinner with Mitsuki-san and Katsuki. I sat down between them. After the dinner, Mitsuki-san asked me

"So, Kazue did you decite what'll be your answer?"

"Yes. You know Mitsuki-san after our classes, I was about to tell you no, and move out, but Katsuki stopped me. He was so cute!" I said. To that Katsuki blushed hard.

"So when?" I asked Mitsuki-san.

"What about 3 months? I want it to be perfect!" She said with a big smile. Then Katsuki stood up and he said

"I'll be in my room." With that he walked up to his room.

"What about we go out tomorrow for a dress for you?"

"I'm okay with it but isn't that a little early?"

"I don't think. I bought  my dress 4 months before our wedding."

"Well then. And the dress for Katsuki?"

"I'll go with him the next day. Tomorrow you and I'll have a great time Kazue." She smiled. I smiled her back and I said

"We'll.. Mom."

She hugged me tight to that and she said

"You're so cute Kazue!"

We talked for hours and when we realized it was already 1:23 Am we said goodnight and we went back to the rooms. I entered Katsuki's room, I layed down on the sofa, when I felt arms wrapping around me.


Finished!! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if there isn't too many times with the other characters, or with the fight sences. There will be more, but not now :) . I'll be back withthe next soooo soon! ByeBye! :D

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