Serious Surprises

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Kazue's POV.

We sat down in front of the boys next to Kaze. The boys glared at us hard and once they stood up, leaned down to us and they suddenly pulled off the patch with an angry face. Once when we covered our marks with our hands they looked at us with a serious and a little angry face and they said at once

"Why do you cover it?"

"It's hurts." I said looking at Katsuki's ruby eyes.

"Don't cover it. Let me see it." Katsuki said as he grabbed my hand gently. I showed it to him. He leaned down and looked at it. Kaze leaned down as well and she said

"Bruised. Bakugou don't bite it that hard." She pulled out some ice in a sac and she placed it to my mark and shesaid again

"With this 2 houts later you doesn't even realize that it's there."

Momo's POV.

"Why do you cover it?"

"Let me look at it." To that I placed my hand down.

He placed his cold hand to it and Kaze-san came over to us she removed Todoroki-kun's hand and she looked at it, and then she said

"Her skin is black. What are you guys, monsters? Don't bite her skin like this next time." She placed Todoroki's hand back and she said

"1 hour, and it'll be like your skin.

"Say Kaze can you tell them somehow how not to kill someone with their theets?"

"Well I can't, but I thing they just wanted to make indefectible mark am I right?"

The boys nodded. Kaze-san giggled and she told them how to make mark what will never disappears.

After 2 hours Kazue put down the ice. The marks disappeared, a Kaze-san showed them how to make them not disappear. She used her hand, but the guys will use our neck. Todoroki-kun was gentle this time, and I think Bakugou-kun as well. After we had our marks We had to make one for the boys. Todoroki-kun and me were super embarrassed but Kazue and Bakugou-kun didn't seem to be embarrassed or anything after this whole thing Kazue said

"Now what?"

"What what?" Kaze-san asked.

"My father is All Might. What will I say when he see it?"

"What will I see?"

All Might asked while standing in front if the door.

Kazue's POV.

My father asked while he was standing in front of the door with a smile.

Everyone's eyes got real wide and everyone covered their neck real quick exept Kaze.

"May I ask who are you?" Kaze asked.

"Well, he's All Might." I said. Kaze's eyes got wide. She stood up walked over to All Might and she hit him real hard. All Might got down on his knees and Kaze said

"Go away, I don't want to see a person like you."

"Who are you young girl?"

"Toshinori Kaze. Toshinori Kazue's older twin. "

"What? Are you twins Kazue?!?"

I nodded. He stood up, hugged Kaze and he said

"Sorry for left you."

Kaze pushed him away, and she said

"Don't think a sorry can slove it. You left our mother alone. When I was 3 the Villians took me away and they helped me grow up. Now I'm 15 years old. I met a girl, now she's my fiancée. My life was good without you.

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