Skipping Lesson

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Kazue's POV.

"Is this a contest or what?" Katsuki nasked, and I asked while grinning at him

"What if yes?" He put on a grin and he turned at me and he asked

"Huh?? What contest?"

"Hmm, lets see.. Let's call it a boyfriend contest?"

"I didn't know that I was your boyfriend." Katsuki said while grinning.

"Are you sure you didn't realize that you two are flirting with each other? Kazue-san, You just asked him out. And Bakugou-kun, you just accepted it." Momo-san said without any emotions.

"I asked him out? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You two are acting like a new married couple.

"Huh??!? What'ya talkin' about??!" Katsuki shouted.

"Well your two aren't far away from the reality" I said without any emotion.

"Then, you two ARE going out am I right?"

"Not really. I'm not her girlfriend. More like.. Hmm.. More like a 'Maybe wife' to him."

Todoroki's and Momo-san's eyes got wide, the Momo-san asked

"Are you two ENGAGED?"

"Well not that either.."

"Then what?" Todoroki asked.

"Promise me if we tell you you don't tell it to anyone. Even my father, okay?"

Momo-san nodded, Todoroki just looked at us with a serious face. Once Katsuki said

"My mom requested her to marry me."

"Yes, that's how we say it I guess."

Their eyes got really wide once Momo-san started to shout


"Don't shout, and WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YOU KNOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO' ???!?!" Katsuki shouted as well.

"Clamn down Katsuki/Yaoyorozu-san." Todoroki and I said in a same time.

As we clamned them down I said

"Well, that's right, but Mitsuki-san allowed me to choose between No and Yes. She gave me 2 months. And at the last 10 minutes I didn't see anyone fighting, so maybe it's over, and They're waiting for us so let's go back."

The others nodded and we walked back to the room were the others watched the fighting and when we arrived, we found nobody in the room. I walked to the intermediary computer, and ŰI found a note. I read it out lound and it said

'Young Heros!

You were skipping my class, so your punishment will be that you have to stay there tonight! 

I didn't take your phones away, so you can call somebody if you need help. Don't worry, tomorrow, we'll come here for you.

All Might'

The other's looked at me and I turned to them and I said

"Well guys looks like we have to stay here."

"WHY ARE YOU SO CLAMN KAZUE??!?" Katsuki yelled at me.

"Well, I'm not worring about you guys, cause this isn't my first night with guys, but I never slept with a girl."

"What do you mean this isn't your first time Kazue??!?" Katsuki got angry and I asked him

"Ohh?? Are you jelaous of the guys I slept, Katsuki??"

"J-just answer!!" I gligged and I said

"Well when I went to the Vilians to accept me as a Villian I was 8, so other guys asked me to sleep at their place. I didn't have anywhere to go so I accepted their request."

Their eyes got wide. I sat down on the floor. Momo-san asked while she sat down next to me

"Why did you go to the Villians when you were only 8?"

"I was searching for somebody.."

"For who?" Katsuki asked while he sat down in front of me. I wispered

"For my.. my sister.."

"You have a sister..??!?" Momo-san and Katsuki asked. I nodded, and I pulled my knees to my face, and I put my forehead to them and I said quietly

"Yes. She's my twin sister.. My mother told me about her.. She has light blue hair and blue eyes just like me.. Her. name is Kaze.. She got kidnapped by the Villians when we were 3.. I was searching for her all the time.. But don't mind me! Change subjects!"

I said the last part. Suddenly Momo-san said

"Guys, can you leave us alone for a little? We'll have a girly talk."

The boys walked out and Momo-san said

"Kazue-san, you don't have to hide anything. We 3 are really want to care about you, but you are always emotionless. Uraraka-san told me about when you found her vomiting in the girls restroom and you helped her. In the class when you told us I was so confused."

"What do you want with these sentences?" I asked her.

"I just wanted to tell you that, you can count on us. On Uraraka-san, on Midoriya-kun, on Todoroki-kun, on me or on Bakugou-kun. We are all here."

I hesitatly nodded, I stood up and I asked

"By the way, is here a restroom, Momo?"

She smiled, she stood up as well, and she said

"Yes there is a restroom next to this room, Kazue."

We smiled and I asked

"Does this building have a tub or a douche?"

"I think there are shower cabins in the restroom."

"Well then let's go Momo."

She nodded, and we walked out and we saw the boys. Katsuki was about to hit Todoroki, but the Momo shouted

"Bakugou-kun! Don't do it!" I looked at Katsuki there was anger in his ruby red eyes. I walked over to him, I lifted him by the neck and I said

"Katsuki. Stop it. Don't fight."

Katsuki got even more anger he made a big explosion and when the smoke disappeared we didn't saw him anywhere.

Katsuki's POV.

"Can you boy leave us alone for a little? We'll have a girly talk." Yayorozu said. Half and Half, and I walked out. There was silence for a little but then he spoke up

"Bakugou, do you know about her a lot?"

"Yes, Why do you ask?!" I said nervously.

"Like what? Who is her father?"

"All Might. Wait why are youwant to know about that??!" I almost shouted. Half and half looked at me and he said with an emotionless face

"If All Might is her father, then do you think you can be with her?"

I got super angry, I lifted up to the wall and I almost punched him when Yaoyorozu shouted

"Bakugou-kun! Don't do it!"

After a few seconds Kazue lifted me by the neck and she said

"Katsuki. Stop it. Don't fight."

I wispered

"Let me go Kazue."


Hope you enjoyed it! :D

Read the next chapter, if you liked it! ;D

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