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Normal POV.


Kazue slowly woke up and she found herself in Katsuki's arm. She got out of the bed slowly to not wake him up. Kazue went to the restroom, she took a long shower and when she want back Kaze sitting next to Katsuki's bed and she watched him with a dead grale. Kazue asked quietly

"What are you doing?"

"Glaring at him. You gonna accept the request yea?"

"Yes. By the way do you have a boyfriend?"

"No I don't."

"Or someone you like?"

"No." Kaze answered while walking back to 'her' bed.


"I have somebody."

"Who is it??"

"Her name is Naoko. She's my fiancée."

Kazue froze down for minuted, but then she asked

"T-then, are you a l-l-lesbian..??"


"Did you ever tried the boys?"

"Yes. I asked Musa out. I already told him it'll be a test. We were going out about 2 years. Then He got a real girlfriend. It didn't bother me. and then I met Naoko. She was nice and caring. Now she's my fiancée."

"Anyway, congratulation. When will be the wedding?"

"3 weeks later. Naoko is already in her 'staff' personality."

"Am I going to the wedding?"

"Of course. I came here to give you the invitation letter. You can bring 1 person."


"I knew you gonna ask this. He can come. Anyone can come as long as he or she doesn't ruin the wedding."

"Katsuki definitely will ruin it if I bring him. What about Momo?"

"The girl with big breats? She seems nice she can come."

"To what?" Katsuki asked behind Kazue.

"T-to a wedding." Kazue answered hesitatly.

"What about me?"

Then Kazue's eyes looked suspicious, then she said

"I don't think you want to watch a lesbian wedding."

"Lesbian? Is your sister a lesbian?"

Kazue and Kaze nodded.

"Don't tell me you are one of them too Kazue."

"It's not my wedding! It's Kaze's and Naoko's wedding! Soon I'll mine too, so I'll just go as a guest!"

Katsuki smirked.

"I don't like that smile. What are you planning Katsuki.?"

"Nothing." He picked Kazue up, then he walked out of the nurse office.

He put her down, and he pushed her to the wall.

Kazue's POV.

He pushed me to the wall. My back hit the wall. Katsuki smirked and I asked

"What are you doing Katsuki?"

"What? I just answered your question."

Then he put his left hand on my waist. He placed his head on my shoulder, and he said

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