A Dark Blue Shirt And A Kiss

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Kazue's POV.

I layed on the sofa and I felt arms wrapping around me. Katsuki lifted me up and dragged me to his bed. He put me down, and I asked confued

"Are you still up this late?"

"Any problem?"

"Not really. Do you want me to sleep with you? "

"What if?"

"You really can't say what you really want do you?" I layed down, and he layed down next to me.

"Okay, the answer right? Yea, I want to sleep with you."

"Okay." I giggled and hugged him, I could tell he was smiling. I hugged me back and we fell asleep.

Later, I woke up and I saw Katsuki still sleeping next to me and hugging me tight. I put my hand on his hair and I caressed it. It was softer than I tought it will be. He woke up and he asked what's the time while he placed his head to my chest to hide from the light.

"It's only 8:14."

"Why does it have to be so bright at a time like this?!" He asked. I caressed his hair more and I said

"Well I have to wake up. Let me go Katsu." I wanted to sit up, but Katsuki didn't let me.

"Why? Are you going anywhere?"

"Yes, I'll go out with Mitsuki-san."

"Why?" He asked in an annoyed voice.

"We'll buy a wedding dress for me."


"Cause we need it."


"For our wedding."


"Quit the whys. I need to dress up."

"No, don't need to."

"I'm only wearing shorts with a loose dark blue shirt. I don't even wearing a bra. Do you really want me to go out like this? The guys will stare."

"Then don't go out."

"Katsuki, why are you so hysterical today?"

"I don't know. Ask someone else." He let me go and I reached for the first phone that I reached from the bed. It was Katsuki's phone. I turned it on, and I saw the picture that I took while he was sleepng on the sofa. I looked at Katsuki with a smirk and I asked

"From when?"

"Yesterday night." He flushed and he covered his eyes with his arms. I smirked at him and I kissed his forehead. To that he suddenly sat up and he said

"You are weird."

"Why? Cause I kissed your forehead?"

"Yeah. To remember you have never kissed me. I was the one who kissed you first and you just kissed back." He smirked.

"To think of it you are right." I smirked back.

"Well then.." I kissed him on his lips. He kissed back. I pulled him away, then I said

"Good morning Katsuki." I smiled. He smiled back.

"Let's go downstairs." I said. As we walked down Mitsuki-san said

"Oh, Kazue you have some visitors!"

"Hi Kazue/Kazue-chan!" Momo and Uraraka said.

"Oh, hi! What are you doing here at this time? I just woke up!"

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