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Kazue POV.

"It's only 7:00 AM? I'll do someting for breakfast."

Afetr abou 20 minutes Mutsuki-san walked out and she said in her suprise

"Oh my?!? Kazue, are making breakfast?? Let me help you."

I smiled at her and I nodded.

Katsuki's POV.

When I woke up I didn't find Kazue anywhere, I went down and I heard her taking a shower so I walked to my room. I picked  my phone and when I turned it on a picture of me and Kazue welcomed me. I blushed hard and I almost shouted when I noticed a not on the my desk what said

Good morning Katsuki

Thank you to let me sleep with you.
By the way I took a really really cute picture of us :D .
Hope you like that cause I like it!
If you are awake, then come down.

 Your Shitty Villian, Kazue

I smiled a little, but after I read it I dressed up and I walked down to the kitchen and when I saw my mom and Kazue cooking I asked

"Are you two making breakfast? Is today the end of the world?"

"That's rude, you never saw us cooking you PIECE OF SHIT!" My mom shouted.

"Well I just gonna for it in the livingroom." I said and I walked out of the kitchen and I sat down on the sofa.

Mitsuki's POV.

Kazue, and I were making the breakfast and once I asked her

"How was the night with Katstuki?"

She blushed hard, and then I laughed and I asked

"What are you blushing for?? Did something happen at the night?"

She shook his head and she said

"N-nothing at all!! Nothing happened!! Really!!"

"Really????" I asked with a grin.

"Yes, yes!! Nothing, really!!"

I looked at her with a sad face. I was disappointed.

The breakfast was ready and I walked out and I said

"Katsuki the breakfast is ready!"

He didn't answer, he just stared at his phone, he wasn't typing he just stared at it. I walked behind him and I looked at his phone. I saw a picture with Katsuki sleeping and Kazue on him and she was the one who took the picture.

"Kazue~~~!!!! You said nothing happened, but there is a picture of ou two!!" I shouted from behind Katsuki and he turned to me with a super blushed and super angry face and he shouted



"I-I DIDN'T!!!"

Kazue walked out of the kitchen and she asked

"What's going on here?"

"Kazue!!" That piece of shit and I shouted.

"What's wrong??" She asked.

"He got mad cause I saw a picture of you two on his phone!" I shouted.

"Y-y-y-y-ou saw it Mitsuki-san??!?! It was just a joke, a joke!!" She shouted.

"I'll believe you, just tell me, did you sleep well, on him??" I asked, while laughing. They both blushed as hell.

"I'm just kidding!! Don't get me serious Kazue!!"


"Okay, sorry Kazue. By the waydo you two want to go shopping??"

"Shopping what??" Kazue asked.

"For you underwears, bras, and clothes. Well Kazue?" I asked.

"Well, I don't want to buy clothes with a guy so can I do something with him??" Kazue asked with a girn.

"Like?" I asked with a grin as well.

"What about I turn your son into a daughter?" Kazue asked with a serious grin.

"LIKE HELL!! I'M NOT GONNA TURN INTO A GIRL!!" Katsuki shouted and when I slapped himon the face, I answered to Kazue

"You can Kazue Sweetie." I put on a grin and Kazue dragged Katsuki to his room. and after about 15 minutes they came out as both girl, and I said

"I have two daughters, I'm so happy!! Now let's go!!"

"We're off!!" Kazue shouted while holding Katsuki's arm.

Katsuki's POV.

"We're off!!" Kazue shouted while holding my arm and we walked out of the house.

When we were half away from my house I asked with a grin

"How long are you planning to hold my arm, my shitty Villian?"

"You don't like it?" She grinned as well.

"My guy side would say you can hold it but no. "

"Okay, I'll let your arm go." She said as she pulled her arms away from mine.

"Now, where is the underwear store?"

"I don't know. Just take me to a store. Don't worry, I'm not that type of girls who's shopping forever."

I nodded and I said

"Well I don't care anyway."

When we found an underwear store we walked in and she choose some underwears and some bras.

When she finished we walked out and she said

"Okay, the next one will be the clothes. I think, we'll buy 3 T-shirts, 2 shorts, 2 pants and 2 tank tops. Is that okay Katsuki?" She asked.


"Oh. and by the way, when did I become yours?"

"Since you wrote that in the note in the morning."

"I see." She answered.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well what?" She asked back.

"Well? What's your answer to that old hag's question?"

"You mean to marry with you? Well I really like to talk with you I guess. But I asked her for more time to think about it."

"How long?"

"2 months."

"You need 2 months to choose between yes and no?? You are pahetic." I said.

"You know, even If I'm not that woman type girl, but a marriage is important to every girl."

I blushed a little at her sentence. I just looked at her and I asked

"What if.. What if you have to choose between them now?"

"Then I'll choose yes.. But I need more time be with you so I don't really know."

"Okay. well tomorrow, we'll start school, so do you know which class are you in?"

"Yes. I'm in class 1-A." She answered.

"I'm in that class too."

"Well we will be in one class then. With you I know 5 people from that class."

"5? Who is the fifth?"

"A girl. I think her name is Uraraka Ochako."


Hope you enjoyed it! :D

Read the next chapter if you liked it! ;D

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