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Kazue's POV.

"Yes, but I'm your idiot you idiot." I said while smiling at the blushed Katsuki, then I asked

"So, when do you want to go?"

"What about now?"

"Ok, we can go now, BUT! There are no kisses, no hugging and no touching until we get home. Got it?"

He looked at me angrily and annoyed, then he said

"Don't 'got it?' to me. Ok. But don't think I'll do as you said."

"Don't be dramatic. The only thing you have to do is not to touch me."

"Only? You really can say that to your 'husband'?" I nodded.

"Let's go. I'll call him." I picked up my phone and I called All Might, and he answered

-Hello? What is it Kazue?
-I'll come over with a friend.
-With who?
-Secret. Feel free to tidy up.
-O-ok? Well I guess bye. I'll wait for you!

I hung up and Katsuki asked 

"Friend? Really? You can't do anything back you shitty Villian."

"I know, but I had to say friend or he'll be worried. He's worring to every hero."

"Ok." He said as he kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and I said with a smirk

"I think I said don't touch me until we come home didn't I?"

"I think I said, I'll not doing anything about your order, and now we're at home."

"No Katsuki, sorry. Just you to know I want to kiss you too, but I can't. It's a rule, what's have to be keep 'til we get home."

"Sorry Sweetheart but no. I don't want to keep this stupid rule."

"Anyway, get ready we're going."

"Tch." He wispered and we walked out of the house.

When we arrived to All Might's apartment and I knocked on his door he opened it and he asked

"Hi Kazue. Oh, and hi Young Bakugou!"

"From today he's just Katsuki, or brat to you."

We went in and sat down, then dad asked

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well we came here to tell you that he'll be my husband in 3 months."

Dad's jaw dropped and we was in silence for a few minutes. Once I said

"W-well I'll be in the kitchen to make something for lunch, talk about something." Katsuki akwardly nodded and he just stared at dad as I left the livingroom.

Katsuki's POV.

Kazue left the livingroom and she headed to the kitchen and I said

"Hey All Might are you still alive?"

He looked at me and he asked

"Did you said something?"

"I just asked if you are still alive or not."

"Well I'm alive. My daughter is going to marry with a girl in 3 weeks and the other daughter of mine just said she's going to marry with a boy from her class in 3 months. Any ideas? All of my daughters are going to marry so soon.."

"Not all of them."

"What do you mean?"

"You have a 20 years old daughter. Her name is Kaiya. We met her yesterday. She's a pro Villian and she don't have any partners."

[BNHA] Katsuki Bakugou And His Own VillianWhere stories live. Discover now