Why Are You Angry?

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Kazue's POV.

"And what is it??" Momo asked on an excited voice.

"Sorry, but first i have to tell it to Mitsuki-san." I said with a low tone.

"You can even tell to your sister?" Kaze asked.

"Sorry Kaze."

"I see. Well? How does our mother feel?" Kaze asked.

"What?" I asked in a sad tone.

"What's the problem? Are you okay?" She asked in a confused tone.

"You sure don't know what happened, do you..?"

"What are you talking about Kazue?"

"Our mother died 10 years ago.." I said in a low tone.


"April 13.."

"When was her furneal..?" Kaze asked sadly.

"The next day. April 14 at 6:00 am." Katsuki answered. Slowly tears started to ran down on my cheeks. I wipe Them off but they didn't stop falling down. Momo hugged meg. I hugged her back, and She said

"Shhh... Don't cry.. Everything is okay now.." Her voice was caring.

After when I clamed down I said

"Then? How come you show up here Kaze?" I asked.

"Falit controlled me. She knew that I wanted to go here to seaand she controlled me to came here as an enemy." She answered.

"I see, then I think she'll show up again." I said.

Normal POV.

"You're right Toshinori Kazue. You side chick." Somebody behind her said.

"What are you doing here. Falit?" Kazue asked with a dead glare. The others were suprised for her begin so serious.

"Oh me? I just came to talk to you Toshinori Kazue."

"Then hurry up." Kazue said while turned to Falit and glared her like she wants to kill her.

"Hey you bitch. Didn't you heard her? She said hurry up." Katsuki said while walking next to Kazue and glared at her as well.

"Oh, are you two going out? Well be careful little boy, she'll cheat on you." Falit said with a smirk on her face.

"1. We aren't going out.
  2. I would never in my life cheat on him.
  3. Can you split out what you want!!??!" Kazue shouted at Falit.

"Don't shout with me. You slept with my husband and not me with yours."

"Here we go again. How many times do I have to tell you that he was one of my friend and I had nowhere to go. He just let me in."

"You were cuddling with him!!"

"You know what Falit? You can think anything what you wanna, but first let me tell you something. When the guys, he and mewere talking he didn't stop talking about you. You were the only thing that he could think about. You and me had a good relationship. Why do you want to ruin it with jelaousy?" Kazue said, while giving Falit a dead glare.

"We HAD a good relationship. You were always hanging around with him, when one of my events came up!"

"Let's say his birthday is tomorrow, you don't have a present to him and you only know him for about 2 weeks. I bet you'll hang out with his friends to know what he likes. He did the same. When you two got married we stopped hang out that much. There were accidents when we met in the bar, but that's the only thing." Kazue said with an emotionless face and a glare üon her face.

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