Suzuki And Reiko

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Kazue's POV.

After dinner we played truth or dare. Momo went first:

-Ochako, truth or dare?
-Truth! Ask me Momo-chan!
-Who was your first crush?
-Uh, umm.. I-It's Deku-kun..

Izuku's face heated up as Ochako said that while she was sitting on Izuku's lap. Izuku and Ochako looked super embarrassed, but then Ochako spoke up.

-K-Kazue-chan truth or dare??

-Dare me.
-Okay.. Then.. -She put on a smirk- Go have a shower with Bakugou!

Katsuki and I stood up, I grabbed my stuff and we walked inside the bathroom. We walked in and we turned away from each other. Our backs was facing with each other's backs. I stood under the shower, while Katsuki closed his eyes and he stood behing me, I said

"Ok, I'm going to open the taucet."


I opened it, and as the water ran down on our bodies he held my upper arms and he said

"Say Kazue.. Who was your first crush?"

"W-where did that come from???" I asked confused while looking up at his face. He grip was became stronger. He said clamly, but  a little angrily 

"Just tell me!"

"I don't have one. I don't have any crush. Exept one. My boyfriend." I giggled and I tried to reach a towel, and as I did, I wrapped that around me and I continued the shower, when I said

"You can open your eyes Katsuki."

"I tought you are naked."

"Well I put on a towel, so you can open your eyes."

He opened his eyes, and I looked up at his blood-ruby colored eyes. He stared at mine and he said

"You have beautiful eyes, Kazue."

"Thank you? What's with you? Was the water too hot Katsuki?"


I closed the taucet and I handed him his clothes. He put them on and he walked out. I put on my clothes too and I walked out either. I saw the others looking at me and Katsuki while smirking. Katsuki and I gave them a death glare, and as we sat down I said

-I'll make you reget this Ochako.. Well Izuku truth or dare?


-Stop stuttering you shitty Dek-- -I placed my finger at his mouth then I said
-Tickle Ochako as hard as you can for 2 minutes!

He started it, and as he started Ochako laughed hard. When he finished, Ochako was laying on the floor she didn't even bother to sit up. Then Izuku said

-T-Todoroki-kun truth or dare?


-When was the last time that Yaoyorozu-san slept at your house? There was even a time?

-Yes, there was. Last night she slept at my place.

Momo blushed as she hid her face from us with Todoroki's chest, then Todoroki asked

-Kazue truth or dare?
-Kazue, how did your last boyfriend look like? Do you even have and Ex?

-Yes, I have. He had blonde hair, brown eyes, 3 earrings in his left ear and he was a smart and quiet one.
-Why did you even go out with such an idiot looked and and idiot thing.

Katsuki asked and his voice was angry. I looked at him while smiling

"To make the other bitches jelaous and angry. But they weren't acting angry or jelaous at all at the start. I wanted to show Suzuki that the girls who was following him around was all bitches, and I did. Soon the girls was really mean to me, and once Suzuki saw them and  he was super angry at them. It was all about a year ago. I don't even know where he is right now."

"You need to?!?!"

"No, I don't. Now I  have a real boyfriend. And now I'll go and get some snack."

"I'll go with you!" Momo said and she stood up. As we walked out of Katsuki's room we slowly made out way to the kitchen, but then Momo asked

"What's with this Suzuki, Kazue?? How far did you two go?"

"We didn't even kissed. We just held hands to show that we are going out. As I said I want to break up he confessed to me. I tought he was joking, but he didn't. I met him first on a double date with Suzuna. He is even taller than Todoroki-kun."

"Really?? But you're about 30cm smaller than shouto-kun! What was his height?"


"That's almost 2 meter! What's yours?!"

"I'm only 168cm.."

"I didn't know you were this short!"

"I tought that you are my friend." I glared at her like a kid.

"Am I not?"

"Don't bully me with Suzuki. He's over me. Katsuki don't ever have to worr--"

I was cut off by a shout from the door

"Kazu! I'm here!"

"Kazu? Who called me? I can't even recognize the voice.."

I walked up to the door and as I opened it somebody jumped to me. I was really suprised, then I asked while laying on the ground with on that girl who jumpend to my neck

"Umm.. May I ask who are you??" The guys and Ochako walked down over to us, and she said

"Did you already forgot about me? I was the first person who bullied you! It's me! Recognize me Kazu!" To That Katsuki almost yelled, but I cut him off

"Why would I have to remember to my bullies names?"

"Cause I was the one who protected you when my Dear's fans attacked you after you broke up with him! Tell me my name!"

"Your name? Umm.. Ah! Are you Watakoni Reiko? The one who asked me to a premission to go out with Suzuki?"

"Yeah! I'm Reiko!"

"Hey you shitty slut! Don't jump on other people's girl like that !!" Katsuki yelled at her.

"Katsuki, you yell at her like that again and you'll sleep with your pillows." I gave him a glare then I looked at the opened door and  I saw a tall blonde man standing there.


"Huh? Kazue? Hi."

"What's with that. You are acting like a stranger."

"Well, Sorry. Who are your friends might be?" He asked.

"They are my friends. From left to right, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako and Yaoyorozu Momo."

"And you think I can remember their full names."

"Yes, Well guys this is Renakoni Suzuki. He is my ex, and now he's Reiko's boyfriend."

"By the way did you get a normal boyfriend, who is really your boyfriend Kazu?"


"REALLY??!?!?!" She shouted in shock. I just nodded while covering my ears.

"Who is it?!?!" She asked. I stood up and I walked up next to Katsuki I placed my head at his right shoulder, my hand was on his back, then he held my waist then he said 

"I am her boyfriend."

"That one who uses cruses on strangers?!?!?! You always had bad choise ability Kazu."

"Actually he isn't my boyfriend, he is my Fiancé."


I hope jou enjoyed! I'm a bit late, but I'll upload the next in the right time! Thank you guys for reading this story! I really hope you like it, ByeBye!! ;D :D

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