Part 1:Lex's Pov

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      There I was, In front of many screaming fans."Thank you guys! I am so sad this concert is over, but I will be back soon I promise! My next stop on this tour is New Jersey so I better get going,but I hope I see you all next time!Bye!" I shouted after singing my last song. I walked off stage and saw Gerard holding Bloodrayne and Em holding Blair. Andy was there too,holding him and Em's baby boy that they named Andrew. I hugged all of them and picked up Bloodrayne and Blair after I took off my guitar and they took off my headset. My babies were already two years old. Andrew was only One year old. We walked to the dressing room and we all sat down on the couches they had in there.I was out of breath and sweating pretty badly so I excused myself so I could change. I love being on stage. I do. But it is hard when there is only you in the band. Would it even be considered a band at that point? Probably not.
       I changed out of my stage clothes,which was a white button up shirt with a plaid skirt and a black blazer,into some black leggings and a My Chemical Romance T-Shirt. I always have a theme for each album, like every other band, and this album that I am performing, just so happens to be high school themed.
       When I walked out Gerard started laughing and said,"You just had to wear that shirt huh?" I laughed and said,"Yeah. What is the matter,I can't wear my husband's band merch?" The word husband reminded me of our wedding day...
"Lex! Hurry up!" Em yelled at me as I hurried to the back of the line and she got into place. Me and Em never really had parents growing up, they just ran away one day. It was fine though. I did not need a dad to walk me down the aisle. I could do it myself. I watched as the bridesmaid (since Em is my only friend) and groomsmen walked down the aisle and on their side. Then it was my turn. I walked up the aisle and saw Gerard wipe away a tear or two. I stepped up and held Gerard's hands. The preacher said some things and then we said our vows. First Gerard went,"Lex, you made me see what life was about. You showed me what it is like to be a father. You showed me what it is like to be an adult. You showed me what it is like to love someone. I love you and look forward to spending eternity with you." He smiled and put a ring on my finger. "Gerard, you opened my eyes in many ways. You taught me what it is like to be a mother,an adult,what love feels like,but most of all, you finally gave me a family. Now I don't have to worry about being alone. Because now i have you,Bloodrayne,and Blair. And I could not be happier. I love you." I said as i slid a ring on his finger. The preacher said some more stuff and then it was time to say our "I Do's" we both said "I Do." And then the preacher said "You may now kiss the bride."
"Lex." Em said. "Yeah?" I replied. "You okay? You were kinda daydreaming." She said confused."yeah I am ok." I picked up Blair and we walked to the bus. We all got on and I was exhausted. It was 12 at night so I took Bloodrayne and got into my bed and Gerard snuggled in with Blair and we somehow all fit inside the tiny bed space. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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