Chapter 1; The Acadamy

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The picture above is what Saph looks like in Snow leopard form, except for the eyes which are usually a light violet color.

Anyway, Enjoy the first chapter!;

Dear Diary,

Today was just like any normal day... or so I thought. I was running through the woods with my friends in their wolf form...

I dodged yet another tree my arms pumping beside me. 'SHIT! Chase, she's gonna win AGAIN!!' Devon spoke over the pack link. We were far enough away from the pack that they couldn't time into our conversation. 'Not if I can help it!' Chase's voice, laced with determination came over the link next.

I could hear a growl of effort as Chase's brown wolf form raced up next to me. He gave me a wolfish grin and a wink before pumping his legs faster over the ground, getting past me. 'Hey! Shifting is not in the rules!' I growled over the link, making Devon and Chase laugh.

'Sorry Saph, But there are no rules.' Devon spoke before his light grey wolf raced past me too. They were getting on my nerves and they were WINNING. I growled lightly before having to jump over a fallen tree, shifting into my snow leopard form mid-air, my clothes ripping and my bones shrinking or growing longer, snapping into place before I hit the ground with a 'thud'. Sifting doesn't actually hurt, it does the first time, don't get me wrong. But I've learned to shift fast. I don't even need to calm my mind anymore.

I was no longer connected to the pack link in this form, but thanks to my mother, who was a werewolf and my father who was a leopard shifter, I was faster than I could imagine.

'Oh, they are going to regret this...' I snickered to myself then focused on my paws pounding over the earth, stretching my legs out in front of me. I passed up Devon giving him a smile before picking up the speed again and racing past Chase.

Making it to the clearing I pranced around while watching them flop to the ground panting heavily. 'Saph, did you forget you didn't put on shifting clothes?' My leopard, Lilac spoke up. 'Yes I remember, that's why I have some hidden in this clearing' I chirped back to her before going behind a tree and shifting back before pulling on a black hoodie and ripped back jeans.

"So guys, how did my dust taste?" I snickered crouching on the ground beside a panting Chase and Devon wolf. Chase shifting back taking deep breaths of air. I glanced at him, "How *Breath* does *Breath* Beat *Breath* every time?! *Breath*" I laughed evilly. Devon's emerald green eyes glared at me in wolf form.

Chase had light, ashy blond hair and orangish, yellow eyes. He wears light blue jeans and I black T, with bleeding rose in the center. Devon is like... The opposite with Emerald Green eyes, Dark brown hair, and a Long sleeved plain white shirt and grey shorts. Although he was still in wolf form and is a Light grey wolf with some black dots. Chase's wolf is a Light brownish grey wolf with a white underbelly and snout.

On the other hand... OH wait! I should introduce myself! Hello reader, I'm Sapphire Star Phoenixflare, but I prefer Saph and I'm a werewolf hybrid. My morph is a Snow leopard named Lilac, and I live in the Raven Call pack. One of the lower ranking packs. I'm 16, and... I guess I'll explain what I look like? I'm quite short, I have pale skin that doesn't match my dark red auburn, hair. And... I have light Lilac eyes because my leopard has those apparently. I used to have hazel eyes but I don't really give two damns about that so yeah.

I stretched out my arms and fell backward landing in soft grass. Devon shifted back and laid down next to me. Chase on my other side. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

Today was the day, where the boys get to go to the academy. Magic High to be exact. I know stupid name am I right? But the writer couldn't come up with anything better so... Anyway, Magic High is a very prestigious academy and only a select few, with the strongest Magic powers, get to go.

Now, in this universe; sorry girls! But we're treated like 'Fancy ladies' and 'Housewives' and we're supposed to act 'all ladylike' and all that shit.

My mother and father died around.... 1 or 2 months ago, and it still hurts. I live with my abusive aunt that only believes werewolves are the best and anyone who isn't is... Hmmmm Never mind! I let out a loud sigh and bolt upright anger blazing through my body at the thought of my aunt.

Chase jumps slightly and sits up too, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Saph? What's up?" He asks me quietly while Devon looks at us with a worried expression. I growl lower and brush his hand off getting up. "A better question would be; What's down. 'Cause at the moment my life is about to be turned upside down because you two are going to the academy and I'll be left here, probably get in some arranged marriage and never see you guys again!" Tears spring into my eyes, my anger and frustration coming off me in waves, making them both flinch.

Getting even madder at myself for yelling at them I turn on my heel and punch the nearest tree making a splitting as the bark cracks and flakes off. I don't even feel the reverberations in my hand from the impact. I can't feel anything but Anger, Sadness, and frustration right now.

I rest my head on the tree and will myself not to cry. I can hear both, Devon, and Chase gets up behind me. "Saph..." Devon wraps his arms around me from behind, and Chase does the same, pulling me into a group hug.

I accept it this time, wrapping my arms around them both. I pull away after a minute, "C'mon. We gotta head back." I sniffle and wave my hand in the air. 'Saph... Did you cry?' Lilac asks me cheekily cause she knows I never cry. 'NO!' I cross my arms over my chest while my face heats up slowly. I block out our conversation and focus on walking. Devon and Chase both take on off my hands as we walk back to the pack slowly. I let out a sigh and look my through the branches of the trees to the sky. 'After today... everything will be different...'

Hey Everyone, thank you so much for reading and please correct me if I make any mistakes in grammar or spelling!


(WORDS; 1142)

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