Chapter 10; Answers to Un-asked Questions

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Above is Sapphires Snow leopard form!)

I skidded on the corner of the hall then dashed through a bunch of bewildered looking boys. I couldn't slow down fast enough and ended up crashing into the headmaster's double doors.

Stumbling backward slightly, I recovered quickly and shoved them open. He opened his mouth to say something but I dashed to his desk and slammed the paper on the table with enough force to slightly crack it. Tears were pricking at my eyes, threatening to spill over.

He glared at me before opening the paper and reading it aloud, "Dear Sapphire Phoenix flare, you, the only blue stone at the academy currently need to help us with something. We will not take no for an answer. We currently have your friend."

He took a glance up at me but I pointed back down at the paper where the perfect loopy handwriting met Devon's panicked letters. "Hey Saph, they took Chase. Not sure what they want from him, but don't go after us, I'm already following them. The truth is I knew this was going to happen. And Chase did too. He found one of his powers a few days ago. The power to look into the nearest and most possible future. He made you leave the room so they wouldn't take you. I'm sorry. Don't come after us. I love you, you're like a sister to me."

The last line was smudged, it reminded me how he had hurried the last sentence when I came through the doorway.

The headmaster had a thoughtful face on. He rested the paper on his desk and stared at it, a frown on his face. "Well?" I asked impatiently. "Well, what?" He asked me looking up with a critical stare.

I sighed, "I want permission to go after them." I started crossing my arms over my chest running over the argument protests I would have to make. "Alright." "I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF I AM A BLUE ST- Wait what?" I blinked at him ready to throw out my list of why I could go.

"You can go. But you need to have the training to control the powers first." I mulled over this statement for about ten seconds, "That would take to long! I need to go now!" I snarled, my lip drawing back as I fought Lilac for the control she was trying to take.

He put his hands up in defense, "I know, I know. But it will only take a second to learn how to control time." He mused smirking at me. The headmaster did not look at all old even though he claimed so. He had the bright scarlet eyes of a vampire and the pale wax color of skin. His startling blond hair and perfect complexion made you think twice about his age.

I paused when he said this and shook my head. "Messing with time will just change the future," I mumbled. "And change it to a worse further than what is already planned." I looked up at his expression. He had an amused look on. "What? I'm not THAT uneducated." I told him crossing my arms.

He chuckled a sat forward in his chair. "Correct. So you know that you should train before rushing into a careless and dangerous situation." He told me vying my reaction carefully. My lips pressed into a thin line as I weighed my options.

I relented a sigh. "Where do I start?"

Chase's POV

It felt like my heart was in my head. The pounding sensation was in my ears too. I groaned and forced my eyes open. My sight was blurry but I forced my eyes to focus.

As soon as I was conscious, I was aware that I had a leather wristband on my left wrist. I groaned again when I tried to move my head. A blistering pain shooting down my back like liquid fire.

I snapped my teeth together and pushed myself into a sitting position. Now that I could focus clearly I could see the leather wristband had the number 34 on it. Everything came back to me in one overwhelming flash. I put my fist to my head and pressed gently. The place I touched sprang out with pain and I hissed, silently drawing my hand back.

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