Chapter 18; The Main Expedition!

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3rd Person

Sapphire was exhausted, though less so than when the night terrors started, sleep was still impossible. Lilac wasn't able to remain in control throughout the whole day on account that she was just a mental piece while in human form. The two couldn't switch back and forth forever.

This is what was running through Jack's head as he watched the girl fix and tighten the straps of her dragons saddle and bags. Jack turned back to his own dragon and tugged firmly on the leather with a grunt. He patted Admirals side, the dark blue lighting drake letting out a puff of smoke through his nostrils that trailed dancing electric sparks.

Off to the side, stood a not-so-happy Liam. Truth be told he was still annoyed and confused about the situation. Not to mention that the growing jealousy he had for Sapphire's abilities did nothing. Yes, he was jealous. He was the alphas son and jealous of a shifter that wasn't even a wolf- yet a hybrid.

Gritting his teeth, he stomped over to Jack and shoved him out of the way, earning a protest from him before boarding Admiral's backseat saddle. "Can we leave already?" He called to the three who were near the lighter colored dragon.

Devon shot him a glare and turned to Sapphire, speaking so Liam couldn't hear, "Do we seriously have to bring him? I feel as though he's going to slow us down. He shoved his brown hair away from his face and ignored another shout of impatience that came from the boy previously mentioned.

Sapphire took a glance over at Liam and hopped down, landing a little clumsily but managing to steady herself without help. "Honestly," She started, brushing her hands on her jean-clad knees, "I'd rather not have him coming with. But it just makes sense. I mean, who else would we bring? Have you got any friends you'd rather tell to come on some weird adventure shit the last minute? Then, by all means, go ahead and page em'." She waved a hand to dismiss the comment and stood with her hands on her hips, examining her handiwork.

Devon sighed heavily, "sometimes I forget how honest you are Lilac." He smiled at the girl. Sapphires, or, Lilac's eyes glowed brighter and she gave him a toothy grin, "can't lie boy-o." She snickered adjusting the leather jacket draped over her shoulders and turning to Chase.

Chase was intently watching Ajax as her lazy blue eyes flickered this way and that with curious birds that flitted this way and that in the sky above.

"Chase, you're not getting cold feet about riding Ajax, are you? You do realize you've ridden her before." Lilac patted the dragon's side for emphasis. Ajax let out a gurgling sound in the back of her throat that sounded vaguely like a purr.

He shot Lilac a look and shook his head, "no! Of course not, I just like how Pretty she is." He lied through his teeth and smiled at the dragon who preened in the light of the compliment. "Besides, I was thinking. What are we looking for exactly?" He questioned walking over to where his friends where.

Lilac blinked for a second and scrunched her eyebrows together, tangling her fingers in a matt of Auburn hair, "I'm not sure exactly, but something is telling me to go South. So south-ward." She shrugged.

"Ok, we have a direction. But we don't know what we're looking for. I feel like that's an important detail, that we kind of need to know." Chase insisted giving her a pleading look, to which she returned with a helpless one.

"I don't know what to tell you, Chase. I don't know what we're looking for. I just know, I'll know it when I see it." She explained with exaggerated hand movements, giving him a more reassuring look.

Chase crossed his arms over his chest and frowned at his friend. "Fine. I trust you. Both you and Sapphire." He relented his prodding.

Devon sighed, "that's a relief. Honestly, when you two went at each other back in the village, all hell broke loose for like... 4 weeks!" He exclaimed in a complaining manner. Lilac barked a short laugh and patted Devon on the shoulder.

"Omg, you guys are so slow!" Liam called again.

Lilac spun and snarled at him, "shut the fuck up, pretty boy!" She marveled in the way his face turned red. Without much fanfare, the human-controlled leopard whipped her hair over her shoulder gave him a middle finger then leaped into the first dip on the saddle, leaving a red face, pouty-lipped Liam and her three friends just about in tears with laughter.

He was quiet after that.

A few hours later...

Sapphire had the reins gripped in her first, upper teeth nibbling on her lower lip as she hunched over Ajax's neck spike and stared at the ground below. The pine trees that decorated the rolling hills were dusted with snow, and the air whisking past nipped and made her cheeks and nose a subtle cherry red.

Despite this, her back was warm due to the small flickering flame that Chase held in the palm of his hand. He stared down at it in concentration, making it into different shapes and colors to see the heat difference of each one.

Devon leaned his forehead on Chases back and shivered quietly. "Chase?" He called over the frosty wind, his breath coming in a plume of white before disappearing just as fast. Chase turned in his seat to glance back at his companion.

"You alright Devon?" He questioned, quelling the flame, and turning his torso. Devon gave him a cold glare and hugged himself.

Chase made an O shape with his lips and attempted reseating himself in Devon's direction. Sapphire noticed the change and normal lilac eyes turned to study him, "careful. Don't fall off, I'll have difficulty catching you." She mumbled and got a strained thumbs up from Chase.

He flopped successfully backward in the seat and re-lit the fire in his palms, holding it forward toward Devon. He whispered a thank you and warmed his palms and the backs of his hands before trying to rub some color back into his cheeks.

Ajax huffed fire through her nose and warm air dissipated over her back, giving the riders a blanket of warmth for a few seconds. Sapphire rubbed Jax's scales in thanks.

Meanwhile, the other boys were freezing on Admiral, neither of them having fire magic and the dragon being a lightning drake - yet impervious to the cold due to flying and having his blood boil in annoyance at the sound of teeth chattering next to his ear.

More hours go on like this before even the dragons and fire wielders start to get frostbitten. "We'll land down there!" Sapphire double taps Ajax and she tilt direction to land.

The dragons jitter as they land, wings pressing air down and sending snow in different directions. Sapphire dismounts and wobbles slightly before exhaling and trying to rub feeling back into her arms, bringing the leather jacket closer to herself.

Chase and Devon follow after while Admiral lands and the last two dismount. The five of them looked frigid, Liam and Jack in specifically had blue lips and their breaths showed more fervently.

"Let's just, stay here for the night. Chase, Liam, Jack, unpack some of the pelts and me and Devon will look for firewood." Sapphire decided quickly and dragged Devon into the forest. "Right, you get the larger logs I'll get the smaller kindling." She sorted out quickly and walked a few paces away to sift through a snowdrift.

"Who died and made you a leader?" Liam barked after her, scowling all the while. Waving a hand he puffed out a cold breath and went over to Ajax and began unstrapping warm furs from the saddle.

It was going to be, a long, cold, night.

(Yet another chapter finished! I mean, stake my words to a wall and call me crazy, but I'm crazy busy. Moved halfway across the world. Yeah, I know, sounds like a crappy excuse, but it's true despite my own misconceptions on moving. It happened. Missing some friends and all that, but I'm good. See you in the next chapter! Vote, Comment and Share if you enjoyed it, thank you all!)


(Word count; 1,400)

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