Chapter 6;Friendly feelings and a sweet smell

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Just a dragon picture. (Lightning dragon)


I slouched, my shoulders far enough forward that my hair fell forward and hid my face. Chase was doing the same on the other side of the couch, but he had his arms crossed and was facing away from me.

"I'm going to bed," I stated and got up. Chase didn't say anything and Devon just let out an exasperated sigh as I limped down the hall. Going into my room I found another piece of paper on my bed. Unfolding it read;

Hello Miss. Sapphire,

We would like to inform you that the mating season for werewolves and shifters will be coming up soon, and because you are the only girl in the school you need to be careful.

Thank you for reading,

The Headmaster

I sat down on the bed heavily pressing a hand to my forehead, "This is... This is not good..." I whimpered to myself flopping down on my back as an overwhelming tiredness came over me. Closing my eyes I curled into a ball as a hot bubbly feeling started in my stomach.

Chase's POV

It was around dinner time now, Sapphire still hadn't come out of her room. Maybe I made her really upset... I let out a sigh, "Devon how do I apologize to her?" I looked at my friend my hands wringing each other in my lap.

Devon looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Dude, you just apologize. Simple as that!" Devon rolled his eyes at me and picked up a book with a bookmark from the table. I frowned and grabbed his arm, "Fine. But your coming!" I dragged him off the couch, the book hitting the floor with an audible thump.

As we went down the hall, I started to realize that there was a strange smell coming down the hall in waves. The closer we got to Sapphires room the stronger it got and the more it started to smell like Lily's mixed with the smell of heather grass. The smell was intoxicating and I could feel Devon stiffen beside me, meaning he could smell it too.

I shared a glance with Devon and dropped his arm. "Saph?" I called, not wanting to go any further down the hall for fear of my wolf taking over, as it was already trying to make me shift, and I was fighting it back will all my strength. When she didn't answer I called again this time louder.

I heard Sapphire's door click open, and the smell that came was tenfold. Both me and Devon had to take several steps back as she came into the hall. She had a slightly crumpled paper in her left hand and her left hand was put on the wall to stabilize herself. "Hey..." She mumbled, and the hand holding the paper tightened making it crinkle slightly.

It took me a moment to realize the smell was coming from her, and when I looked at Devon he seemed to have come to a realization that I clearly overlooked. Devon and Sapphire stared at each other for a while before she let out a sigh and tossed the paper over.

The crumpled ball of paper rolled to a stop by my foot and I picked it up and read it, my thoughts moving into place as understanding hit me like a punch to the face. "WELL.... WE'RE FUCKED." I ran a hand down my face but I could catch Saph snickering at my comment.

I raised an eyebrow at her fighting back a smile that was tugging at my lips, "Well at least someone finds it funny." I snorted and watched as Saph lowered herself to the ground and crossed her legs. Now you may be thinking, 'How has this problem never occurred before?' Answer; Saph has never been 15 when it happened. Female shifters and werewolves make an intoxicating aroma during one time a year for a whole week. But this only happens when they are 15. The aroma is different for every male depending on what they find to smell the best.

She slumped against the wall in the middle of the hall, "So, what do I smell like?" She smirked at us and I smiled, "Of course that's all you want to know..." I gave a slight chuckle and shook my head sliding down the wall still far away from her, into a sitting position. "Well if you really want to know, you smell like Lilies and Heather. For me anyways." I rest my elbow on my knee and rested my chin in my hand.

Sapphire thought for a moment, "I never knew you like Lilies." She stated puzzled, and I shrugged in return, "Ya' never asked." I replied simply and Devon sat down beside me. We talked for hours about random topics. I enjoyed the peace between us that reminded me of our old village. Devon had always seen Saph as a younger sister. I on the other hand... couldn't exactly get my feelings in the order I wanted and just ended up becoming more of a mess than it already was.

I let out a sigh and watched her talk, the way her face seemed to brighten at some topics. I mulled over the feeling for a while before giving up and just enjoying my friend's company.

Sorry for the short chapter, been really busy with school, I'll post a longer one on Sunday!

Word count; 891


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