Chapter 7; Annoyance and a broken air-con (Q&A)

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(Above is Jack's wolf form)

I'm deciding to do a Q&A so you can ask me, or the characters anything and they will answer them!


Back to Spah's POV!!

I rolled over in bed again trying to find a comfortable position with the constant pinching of skin between bandages. It had been a week and I was slowly getting better. The only thing that had gotten worse was my leg, where I had gotten an infection and it smelled horrible to me. But I can't smell my own scent and it apparently it overpowered anything according to Chase and Devon. I had kept on the same demeanor of clothes in order not to irritate the wounds under the bandages. A half T, some shorts and just this once I had my hair tied back in a bun.

This was the last day that would be making the smell, and I was happy that it would end. Over the few days where it had been at its strongest, we had shifters and werewolves knocking at our door, wondering what the amazing smell was. Chase had strongly turned them away with a stern, "What the hell are you talking about?" Then would pretend not to smell the intoxicating aroma emitting from my body.

I turn over again and look at the clock, 3:30 pm. I let out a groan and got up, ignoring the sharp pain coming from my leg and step out into the hallway. "CHASE!" I yell down the hall.

Apparently, the boys wouldn't allow me to go further into the main house then the hallway because they didn't want to the smell everywhere. Even though the only place it wasn't, was their room.

I hear his door open and I flop down on the floor, in the middle of the hallway. Crossing my legs and putting my chin in my hand, I put on a bored expression as the sound of Chase's walking comes down the hall, the steps longer and more slippery, meaning he has socks on.

"What?" He turns the corner of the hall, he has a light green T-shirt on with some shorts that go to right above his knees. One of his earbuds is in and listener in his right hand (A/N A listener is this worlds equivalent as an iPod 1). "I'm bored." I sate plainly and slouch. I can see him sniff slightly, "Fine, you can come out the smell is fading anyway." He waves his hand in a beckoning fashion and puts his other earbud in, pushing a button on the listener and turning a walking the other way.

I let a smile creep onto my face and I force my sore body to my feet. FINALLY! Something other I stomp out into the main room to find Devon taking up half the couch, a book in his lap and asleep. He's wearing a light grey sweatshirt and some baggy sweatpants. The hood of the sweatshirt is falling off his head, and one shoulder of the hoody is stretched far enough to show his collarbone. The damn guy never wears a shirt when he can have a hoody on.

I let out an amused snort and sit down at the table tapping my fingers and waiting for him to wake up. Eventually, he wakes up, nose twitching his eyes snap open and immediately find me. "What are you doing?" He sits up in a hurried rush, the hood falling off all the way, revealing messy dark brown hair and the shoulder of the hoody falling back into place. "I was bored, and Chase said I could come out," I say pointing an accusing finger to where Chase had gone.

He rubs a hand down his face, getting rid of any signs of sleep from his green eyes before getting up and going to the computer that happened to be across from me. His nose twitched every few seconds but I'm guessing that was because of my smell. His eyes glowed green every few seconds to go along with it. I watched as his fingers danced across the keyboard of the laptop.

Seeing that he wasn't going anywhere any time soon, I got up and moved out of his vicinity which made him relax greatly. I sat down on the couch, my tensed muscles relaxing slightly from the effort of just keeping me in a standing position.

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