Chapter 11; Pfft! Fear of hights? yeah right... /Announcement

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Hey everyone! It's me. So, I know I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy with school and whatnot. 

Anyway, I came across random inspiration and I've decided to make a new story! DON'T WORRY! I WILL NOT CANCEL THIS BOOK! On account of me being busy though, I can't promise when I can get new chapters out, so you'll have to be patient with me.

Heres the new book cover:

I'm over the moon that you guys are liking this so far, please remember to comment and vote!

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I'm over the moon that you guys are liking this so far, please remember to comment and vote!

Alright, I'll shut up now, See Y'all later!

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Chase's POV

My eyes were closed as I slid my foot across the ground in an ark. My sight was gone, but I could feel each and every vibration and footstep. I snapped open my eyes and placed my hand on the ground, the tough ground moved and came over and concealed my hand.

I lifted my hand like a new boxing glove and struck out at the 30-year-old man that had charged me. My fist met his jaw with an ear-shattering crack. I bounced back a few steps and assessed the damage.

I hadn't broken his jaw, but it could possibly be fractured. I slid out of my defensive stance and stood upright as I watched the man howl with pain while screaming out "Yield! Yield!" I snorted and turned on my heel. The warm feeling of my 3 pool disappeared and the rock that had covered my hand dropped to the floor in pebbles.

I stomped into the metal box and sat down with a huff of annoyance. Devon sure was taking his sweet time. 5 days so far... hurry up Damn it!

Saph's POV

I sprinted forward and planted my foot before launching into the air and running steadily in the air with the first pool of heat that rested in my heart. After a few seconds, I dropped to the ground and reached for the second pool. I focused my gaze on a spot about 100 feet away and a second later I was there. I smirked to myself then dragged my focus to the last pool.

I swung my hand to my lips and let out a shrill whistle, then waited. My keen hearing picked up the sound of wing beats, then seconds later a light blue dragoness with golden tiger stripes descended and landed in front of me with an eardrum-shattering roar. (That I have gotten used too somehow).

With a smirk on my face, I vaulted onto my dragon and took to the air. 'Shit! Hights...' I gulped down my fear and patted her neck lightly and I narrowed my eyes. I slouched forward so I was braving the air flow as we started plummeting towards the ground. My fear had gotten a bit better but not by much.

My hands held tightly to a spike sticking in front of me as we fell. I patted her neck again and her wings snapped open right before we touched the forest floor, we soared upwards and glided there for a moment.

I let out a sigh and laid on my back. "Not bad short stuff!" I turned my head to see Glarinx on his dragon Idola. We had become close friends over the few days I'd been training. I snorted and sat up, "You're calling me short?" I fake-glared at him.

He rolled his eyes and tapped Idola's on the neck once, making her flap and soar ahead of us at insane speeds. 'Oh no, he doesn't!' Lilac roared out in my head and I chuckled but all the same, and tapped my dragons neck. "Let's do this Ajax!" She gave a growl of approval and sped after Idola.

I flattened myself to her back and closed my eyes against the wind buffs as we shot ahead of Idola. I tapped my foot into my dragons side and her wings shot closed, I opened my eyes. We twirled in the air in free fall, the gravity of the earth bringing Ajax and me to the ground. "NOW!" I shouted above the wind that was rushing past me and my dragon straightened herself before snapping her wings open and abruptly shooting upwards.

We flew until we were hovering next to Idola and Glarinx. My auburn hair was ruffled with the windblown look and my eyes were wide with adrenaline. Glarinx let out a chuckle, "Show off." He stated smirking at me.

I gave him a toothy grin and double tapped Ajax's shoulder, before steering her in the direction leading back to the academy. We gliding slowly and I leaned back, listening to Lilac rant about being more careful, and how leopards weren't even meant to be in the air. Truth be told, I could feel her excitement too and mentally smirked at her.

"Hey Jinx, ya think I'm ready?" I asked turning my head to see Glarinx looking at me thoughtfully. "Maybe..." I jumped up, startling Ajax who spun in the air and almost made me fall off. "EEK- Sorry Jax." I murmured to her, in turn, she snorted at me, while regaining a comfortable gliding position.

I hummed in thought. I looked Glarinx who was looking somewhat amused at that point. "What?" I raised an eyebrow at him, "I can't believe you almost just fell of your dragon." He snorted and Ajax made some sort of bird noise that sounded like chuckling. "You guys are the worst!" I muttered and sat back, leaning on a spike directly behind the saddle.

As the academy came into view, I leaned back up and took hold on the spike in front of me. I gently tapped Ajax's neck once and she gave a powerful flap that sent us faster in response. We darted in front of Glarinx and Idola and Ajax whipped her tail and hit Idola lightly, mimicking the tap to go faster when riding.

Idola shot forward, sending an unsuspecting Glarinx backward and hitting his head on the spike behind the saddle he abruptly sat upright and in turn, nearly fell off Idola. I flew next to him, laughing hard enough to shake my shoulders. "You said something about almost falling off a dragon Jinxy~?" I teased watching as his face went slightly pink in embarrassment.

"I-I told you to stop calling me Jinxy, and Jinx and... WHATEVER OTHER NICKNAMES YOU CAME UP WITH!" He turned his flustered face my way and I rolled my eyes while chuckling. He dove downward and Ajax came to a stop on a landing strip. I was ready. Lilac was ready. Ajax was ready. I could do this. We were going after Chase, and getting him back. Now.

Remember to Comment and Vote! Thank you, everyone, for your patience.


(Word count: 1146)

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