Chapter 22; Around the Campfire

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"I think that kind of depends on how stupid lucky we are." I pointed out in a deadpan.

Chase looked conflicted and annoyed that I had shot down his plan. "Look," I sighed, "going in, dragons blazing isn't something I'd mind doing. It's just a matter of if the dragons would get hurt, if we'd fall off, or if we get shot off by an arrow." I told him, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

Chase frowned at me but seemed to think over my words before slumping his shoulders and mumbling a reluctant agreement under his breath.

"Do we get to know the plan?" Jack called across the fire. Liam, still in his wolf form glared at him and flopped his paw on Jack's crossed legs. In turn, the brown-haired boy with golden streaks bopped his friend on the nose. Liam's head snapped back and his ears flattened as he sneezed, his fur puffing up. Everyone chuckled slightly and Jack rubbed Liam's head in fondness. The wolf, probably embarrassed, turned away from his friend and grumbled a low sound.

I rolled my eyes but looked to Jack, "yeah. You can know as soon as we even have a plan." I told him shifting my crossed legs slightly.

"Do we even know what we're up against?" Jack asked glancing at his friend's reaction. Liam's wolf had its ears flipped back but was listening with a lightly twitching tail.

I glanced at Devon, "sort of?" He offered. I tipped my head slightly and pursed my lips at him, giving him a look, "well," he started again ruffling his hair, "we know someone is trying to start a war, and their army is not going willingly." He glanced at Chase.

Chase stared at the embers in the fire uncomfortably. "Do we know who they're trying to go to war against?" Jack questioned again and Liam chuffed slightly, whacking his tail on his friend's legs again. Jack glared at him but looked like he didn't mind.

I shrugged. "The academy? The human world? We don't know."

"We do know they want high-level stone welders to fight for them. They either want to overwhelm their enemy, or their enemy is that powerful." I shrugged, watching as Jack frowned in thought.

"What about the magic world?" My eyes snapped to Liam who settled down to sit next to Jack. According to everyone's surprised looks, no one had seen him leave to shift. He blanked the look on his face, letting his question sit in the air.

"What?" Chase deadpanned confused.

Liam rolled his eyes, "I mean, what if the aggressor is human. And going to war with the magic world in general." He explained his theory a bit. I shared a glance with Devon.

My brown-haired friend, in turn, spoke up, "there wouldn't be a point to that." Devon furrowed his brows. "You'd be fighting fire with fire. Stone wielder against stone wielder. It wouldn't work." He muttered eyebrows dipping further the more he thought about it.

Liam shrugged, leaning his side into Jack, who glanced at his friend a small smile playing on his lips, "we don't know their motive. They could be doing this for several reasons. I just used the facts that I know. Which is very minimal by the way," he rolled his eyes, "it just seems plausible."

I thought for a second, their motive could be practically anything at this point. Domination, revenge, love... anything. I sighed but nodded, "you're not wrong. Any idea is a good idea at the moment. And we still need a plan by the way." I rubbed at the bridge of my nose, giving everyone a shy smile, "I didn't come into this situation with a plan."

Chase smiled at me, "that's why we're here!" He told me, slinging an arm around Devon's shoulders who pinned him with an annoyed look. "We make the plans, you say that their horrible and we start over because giving up sucks." He deadpanned, giving me a toothy grin. A chorus of chuckles circled the fire, even Liam's lips tugged up slightly as he crossed his arms.

We'd figure out something. I thought with a smile as the boys fell into playful banter. I'm just glad I'm not doing it alone.  

(Really felt like writing a fluff chapter before the chapters to come! Starting soon, the chapters with be quite tense! If you liked this part, please consider voting, commenting, or sharing!)

(Word count;  747)

(Word count;  747)

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