Chapter 15; Past the Point of Worrisom

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WAIT!! WAIT!! BEFORE YOU ALL KILL ME- *dodges knife* I SAID WAIT GOD DAMN IT! *clears throat and straightens clothes* I come to you baring a chapter for both Magic High and Karma. I sincerely apologize for being MIA for... 5... 7 months? I don't know- it was a long time. I had life problems, I was cutting, and now I'm seeing a therapist- so no need to worry. My upload schedule will still be wacky and I might disappear again, but I'd never leave completely without telling you guys. Without further ado- the chapter!

Saph's POV

I pressed a hand to my forehead and traced the wood grain on the table in front of me. I kept going back and replaying the events of saving Chase. It seemed WAY to easy.

Some of my auburn hair fell into my face in front of my eyes, I bit my bottom lip as I thought. "Saph?" I jumped slightly and turned. Chase was in the hallway, one hand rubbing his eyes sleepily.

I put a hand to my chest, "You scared me." I whispered and glanced out the window to where the darkened sky hung in silence. The moon just barely visible through the clouds. "Why are you awake?" I asked quickly standing up and walking over to him.

"Could ask you the same thing." He said while yawning. I shook my head and turned him around. "I haven't been sleeping well for the past week. It's normal for me." He stiffened at my response and before he could say anything I spoke again, "But you definitely need sleep, let's go!" I laughed awkwardly and shoved him in the direction of his room.

He glared at me but continued walking. I slumped onto the floor and sighed, leaning my back on the hallway wall. It was too easy. I knew it was too easy. So why let us go in the first place?

I let out a groan and threw my head back, only to bang my head against the wall and let out a muffled yelp. I clutched my head and rubbed it, oh well. I had school in the morning. I need to get to bed.


I planted my right foot and pivoted my body sideways, leaning to the left and throwing my left hand out as I spin before racing forward again. My breathing strained as I pushed myself harder. With a yelp, I was tackled to the ground by a wolf.

"Hey! I thought animal forms weren't allowed!" I laughed as the brown wolf lapped at my face while a light grey wolf came to stop at the edge of the school field. "Chase! Off!" I shoved at the wolf's snout as he continued licking me.

When he didn't respond, I rolled away and got up, dusting off the shifting clothes I wore. Devon changed back and helped me up while Chase pranced around, sniffing things. I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow at him when he turned to look at us with a wolfish smile and his light pink tongue lolling out of his mouth.

I glared at him when he went into a play crouch. "No, It's nearly 10:00. We have to go inside if we don't want to get in trouble." I reminded him and turned, going towards the main doors. I heard him huff behind me and trot after Devon, who was a few paces behind me.

"Do you think they still have leftover dinner?" I heard Chase say after some snapping bone sounds. "Probably not, but we can go check anyway," I commented with a yawn. I hadn't been getting sleep, nightmares plagued my thoughts and never seemed to leave. Tunnel vision at random points during the day, random flashes of scents or visions forest. Sometimes I was underwater, others I was falling in complete darkness. Held against my will as voices floated through my head. One time I had actually passed out, thank the moon I was in my own room at the time.

I could feel both their stares in the back of my head, so I turned and clasped my hands behind my back while I walked backward, "what?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. The boys shared a look and Devon grasped my wrist and brought us to a halt. I gave both of them a confused look as I blinked away a sudden bout of tunnel vision.

Chase pursed his lips and crossed his arms, "We're worried about you Saphire. I was the one who was stuck in a fighting ring, and I lost a lot of sleep there. You look worse then me when I came out of that hell hole.." Chase pointed out dryly. I flinched at my full name, he was dead serious if he used my full name.

I shrugged, not really wanting to explain and scuffing a foot on the ground with a half smile, "I'm fine. But, we should probably get back. We could probably steal something from the cafeteria if it's closed." I mused and turned, ignoring the skeptical looks I got for the vague answer.

I would tell them eventually. It wasn't like the night/day terrors where killing me, I was fine despite losing a bit of sleep and forgetting to eat. Ok... that sounded better- no that just sounded horrible. I sighed heavily to myself but kept a bright smile on my face as I pranced proudly through the halls, towards the cafeteria and past tired students. I would tell them. Maybe...

(Kind of just described how I felt for around a week within a chapter.. huh. Strange how much of ourselves we put into our characters... Well anyway- I really hope you enjoyed the chapter, remember to Vote, Comment and Share if you like it! I love you guys! Thank you for all the support!) 


(Word count: 984) {A short chapter I know- but at least its a chapter!}

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