Chapter 16; Fixing the main problem

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(GASP, is this... a CHAPTER?! Why hello there everyone, indeed this is a chapter! Took longer than expected to put out... but it's out! So without further ado, enjoy!)

Saph's POV

I woke up screaming. Chase, followed by Devon slammed the door open with half sleepy half awake looks on their faces.

Devon wobbled over to my bedside but I shoved him away and swung my legs off the bed. 20 minutes. 20 minutes and I have a night terror. I couldn't even remember it.

I somehow got to the bathroom as my churning stomach fluttered, and flicked on the light, momentarily blinding myself. I fell to the tiled floor and threw up what was left in my stomach. Reaching up blindly I hit the lever and the toilet flushed.

I bent over, breathing through my mouth, shuddering every now and then. Someone came and sat next to me with a sigh, they undid my hair that was in a bun behind my head, putting it back in a ponytail before rubbing my back comfortingly.

I scrubbed at my eyes, clearing the tears that had been forced out and sitting up. I blinked a few times before throwing myself at Chase. He caught me just barely as I flopped into his chest and started sobbing, I gripped the back of his sleep shirt as shuddering breaths made way through the ugly sobs coming from my chest in heaves.

Devon sat down next to Chase and they talked quietly while Chase rubbed my back in small circles.

"I'm so tired..." I stuttered out as my breathing went to small sniffles and coughs. "I'm so so tired... b-but I c-can't make it stop!" I whisper yelled, balling my fists into his shirt. "T-the...:" I took a deep breath, "night terrors... they just keep coming... I... I can't... I just can't..."


I stared at the wall ahead blankly. My hands wrapped around a steaming mug of tea. My fleece pajama's hugged my slimmer than normal body, curled into the corner of the couch as my head swam.

My chapped lips stuck together, making me afraid I'd never be able to part them. My head lolled to the side as the door opened. In came Chase, Devon, Jack and for whatever reason, Liam. My face remained blank, but I looked down at the full mug, the tips of my lips turning down in a slight frown. I'd give them credit, it was the most emotion I'd showed since 1 am when I had woke up screaming and later cried into Chase's sleep shirt.

"Pfff, you look awful Leppy." Liam's sarcastic and irritating voice floated over the silence. My frown deepened the smallest bit and I glanced up to give him a death glare that lasted a few seconds before my gaze drifted back to the frothy cup of tea.

"Shut it..." I heard Liam yelp as Devon elbowed him in the side. "Saph?" Chase came and sat down next to me again. I didn't answer. I was too busy trying to stay awake to answer.

"She looks dead on her feet," Jack commented idly and padded over, sitting beside Chase and leaning over to try and see my face. "Not even Saph anymore. Practically all Lilac." They were right about that one. Lilac was at the forefront of my mind, hissing a growling a snarling away. My eyes were a bright violet color that glowed. 'Saph! Cmon, you gotta answer them. Tell them what's wrong!' Lilac begged. When I didn't answer she snarled an insult at me and pushed my conscious backward, controlling my body for me.

My pupils became slitted like cats and they glowed a stronger purple. It was like I was in the driver's seat of the car that was suddenly taken over and I was shoved into the back seat. When Lilac spoke using my voice, it had two tones, the second with a slight growl. "She's exhausted." Came Lilacs echoed voice, piercing violet eyes trained on Devon and Chase.

They turned dark when they landed on Jack and Liam, "why are they here." Her question sounded more like a statement with a low growl at the end. Liam's eyes glowed a threatening amber color before calming. "They kept bugging us. Asking where Chase went for a week." Devon answered taking a seat on one of the armchairs as Liam stayed awkwardly standing.

Lilac snorted, "very well." Came her layered voice as she shifted my body into a sitting position I wouldn't be able to hold with my own conscious. "The night terrors are slowly driving her crazy that's what's happening." Lilac hissed, eyes flashing.

Chase, Devon, and Jack looked worried while Liam looked mildly intrigued. "We realize that. Lilac, whats the night terror about?" Devon demanded seriously, folding his arms and resting them on his knees to look me in the eye.

Lilac looked down, "Despite me being a different conscious entirely, I can't go finagling in her memories or mind. She's practically blocked me out." She explained looking between the faces gathered.

Chase slumped backward and pressed his lips together in a line, "What about Ajax? Isn't she worried?" He questioned eyebrows furrowing. Lilac nodded, "she's been sending emotions of worry though the dragon bond all day. I can't do anything about it because my conscious isn't the one controlling the other half of the bond." She explained, mimicking Chases expression.

Liam crossed his arms over his chest with a side smirk, "kitty cats feeling down? Don't mind me taking advantage of this and moving up the class." He chuckled. Everyone, including Jack, turned to glare at him, making him flinch and shrink back, a light embarrassed blush on his face.

"The real problem here is getting it to stop. But I don't think that's going to happen unless we know what is going on in Saph's mind." Lilac grumbled, sounding stumped.

Jack sat up quickly, "What about an enchanted dream catcher?" Chase and Devon looked between each other before putting on thoughtful expressions. "You mean the type to record a dream then play it back?" Chase asked, earning a nod from Jack.

"That could work." Lilac agreed with a nod. Liam didn't look happy about the situation, "Why am I here again?" Jack glared at his friend, "because you were just as curious as me dumbass." He snapped. Liam's gaze hardened and he turned his eyes downward, not answering.

"Well?" Lilac stood up, brushing off herself before focusing on the boys, "Are we fixing this mess, or not?" She smiled as Chase, Devon, and Jack grinned back. 

(Thank you all for reading, and thank you all for the support, I feel like I don't deserve it at times. I know I haven't been consistent, but thank you for bearing with me. I love you all, appreciate everything!  If you liked this chapter please Vote, Comment and Share.)


(Word count: 1153)

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