Chapter 17; Permission and Planning

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Saph + Lilac's POV

"So what you're saying is... you want to leave school premises to search for what is making Sapphires dreams 'go all wacky' as you put it?" The headmaster sat behind his desk, hands steepled in front of him, as he swept his gaze over our little group of musketeers.

Lilac, still very much in control nibbled on her bottom lip, "yes?"

He let out a long, frustrated sigh and turned his blood colored eyes to Lilac. "This is not something I like allowing my students. Especially the fighting fact that you are a blue stone. Not to mention a female, which makes this impossibly rarer." He ran a hand through his blond hair pursing his lips again.

"Yes, yes, Saph is amazing, but this is killing her! How do you expect her to complete her studies dutifully when she's being distracted by something we might be able to fix? I was once told by my smart girl, 'Anything is possible. Impossible just takes a little longer.'" Lilac fixed him with a steady stare, and I myself hoped that desperation didn't seep into her voice.

He appraised us again in thought, seeming to take my words into context. Before he could speak Lilac said something yet again, hoping to sway the decision in our favor, "she's a smart girl. Our future may not be very bright, but at least it's dimly lit."

She could idly feel the stares of the multiple boys who had kept silent. Finally, he let out a long breath through gritted fangs and fixed her with a stern look. "Fine. You may leave with 4 other people besides yourself. That's all I'm allowing. I will not get in trouble with the supernatural council for this. Anything happening outside of school will rest on your own shoulders."

A wide, triumphant smiles split Lilacs face and I fed her some of my own enthusiasm. "Yes!" She cheered and bounced on her toes, turning toward the five boys. "Better leave before I change my mind!" The Head Master sang behind her with a chuckle.

With a squeak, all of us darted out the doors and into the halls of the school. Lilac was immediately wrapped in a hug by two people and Chase's and Devon's scents swam around her. Liam and Jack stood off to the side, Jack with a slight smile and Liam with his arms over his chest watching us with a frown.

They both pulled back but Chase stayed nearer then Devon. Within my own conscious, I could feel that I had enough strength to stand and possibly talk on my own. I questionably probed at Lilac's control tethering and felt it give way easily, 'oh thank god!' she rumbled mentally as I took control, 'don't get too ahead of yourself though, I'll take over after you sort out the plan.' She told me and I sent her a feeling of gratitude.

The glowing faded from my eyes and a feeling of heaviness settled on my shoulder, but I managed a smile. "Alright," I cleared my throat when my voice cracked but managed to keep a steady expression, "I can carry three people including myself on Ajax. Jack, you're a rider aren't you?" I questioned looking to him.

He didn't get to respond before I was engulfed with arms again, surprise colored my face and I stumbled slightly but realized Chase was back to hugging me after realizing that Lilac no longer had control. I blinked at Devon over his shoulder who shrugged in return a smile pulling at the edge of his lips.

I gently grabbed Chase's shoulders and he jolted away from me, color flooding his cheeks, "sorry..." He mumbled scuffing his toe on the ground. I shook my head to clear the confusion before turning back to Jack. "Yep, Admiral is a lighting drake. But, I only have a two-seater saddle which means I take Liam and you can take Chase and Devon." He answered my question with a side smile.

"Perfect." I smiled back and sighed heavily, grabbing at Chase's arm to drag him closer, seeming to get the message he stepped to my side and I leaned heavily on his shoulder. I poked him in the side, "no more getting kidnapped." I told him sternly but playfulness danced in my eyes. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Right." I said decisively, "let's get this train wreck on the tracks!" I pointed at the way down the hall, towards the dorms. 

(Ahah! Another chapter! Looking back over some of the older chapters I have posted, I can defiantly see that my writing is growing in quality, to which I'm happy about! Enjoy the chapter, please! Vote, Comment and Share if you enjoyed it, thank you all!)


(Word count; 799)

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