Chapter 13; Interested and Money

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Chase's POV

I slammed into the concrete wall, my body jarring and spasming from the jolt of electricity I had gotten to the very core once again. I let out a huff and collapsed on the floor. I was up against two people. The kid I had fought the first time I got to this hell hole, and an older woman mid-forties, yellow stone with rock and fire powers.

I clenched my fingers, my bitten nail beds clawing at the ground for a stable hold that it couldn't give. I snapped my head up to see the kid running full speed at me, blue and yellow bolts of lighting jumping up and down his right arm that he had raised up for a punch. I rolled sideways, that's all I could manage with his last hit of lighting, still leaping through my system.

I spasmed again, I was getting weaker. I had knocked the older women out in the first few minutes of the fight, but it had drained me. She had been quick and had ferocious attacks. I bit my inner lip to keep from crying in pain. The burn she had set on the left thigh was blistering and parts of my flesh looked charred through the fabric of my utterly torn pants. Pus was oozing from it and I'm sure it was infected seen as it was covered in dust and grime from the arena floor.

Using one hand I pushed my sweaty bangs out of my face and pushed myself to my feet, one leg lifted slightly off the ground and one arm clutched the other to my side with the other hand. To anyone who saw me, I most likely looked like I crawled through hell and back.

I spasmed once more and winced. The electricity was almost out of my body. I glanced up into the arena crowd as a door opened and two figures, faces covered by black, cloaked hoods, went up to the headmaster of the arena and laid to bags of gold coins at his feet. He gave them and crooked grin and gestured to some front row seats near him. One of the figures instantly sat down and the other one moved a bit before sitting close to the first. The second one had moved almost in a feline way, making me think they were a shifter of some sort.

I was knocked out of my head when I was sent to the ground by a punch to the jaw. My nose was bleeding at this point, I had multiple scars over my body from past fights too. I coughed heavily and spat out blood in my mouth. I looked at the boy, who had a malicious smile on his face, and grimaced.

I looked up at the figures to see one tensed and staring in my direction, the other was bent over, seeming to whisper something to the tensed figure. The tensed figure relaxed and gave the one whispering and half nod and crossed their legs in their seat before whispering again.

I was entranced on who these people were, but I threw out of that when I remembered the fight. As a last-ditch resort, I slammed my hand on the ground beside me. I reached into my newest pool of magic deep in my core and spread it through my body into my fingertips. In a matter of seconds, ice came spiraling from my hand and covered the arena floor, ice spikes shooting up randomly, the entire arena turned at least 70 degrees colder (Fahrenheit).

The boy slipped and fell to the ice ground, bring up a roar of laughter from the audience. His face turned bright red from shame and anger as he struggled to get up. The last I did my grow tiny spikes from my feet to help me stand from the slippery surface and jumped to my feet a new surge of adrenaline, my leg felt numb and the ice was helping the burn. Red streaks of blood flowed down it with tinges of grit, dirt, and pus that I couldn't feel.

I smacked my foot into the ground and my spikes leaping from the ground, in a straight line towards the boy. Each one more deadly than the last. The boy closed his eyes and braced for impact and his inevitable death. I controlled the last ice spike and made it deathly sharp, it sprouted from the ground at an angle, it stopped just shy of the boy's throat. He opened his eyes hesitantly and his breath hitched in his throat. The crowd was on the edge on their seats for the few seconds I had him pinned.

I released a long sigh and retracted the ice to curl up in a symbol I had taken as my own from my time being here, on the ground. A dragon silhouette was in a semi-circle, fire-breathing position, aimed at a wolf silhouette that was rearing up and snarling. The boy collapsed on the ground breathing heavily. The crowd clapped and cheered loudly. I muttered something under my breath before I took a glance up at the figures. One was tensed beyond return, and the other had cloaked arm around the tensed.

My gaze flickered slightly as I tried to focus on the dark figures and the crowd got up and the head man called for a break. I sent the boy a glare and disintegrated my symbol with a bit more malice then intended. I slithered my way into the metal box that had been my home for the past week and waited patiently for a small metal hatch in the side to open.

They had fed me after three days, and this being my sixth day, I hoped I was to be fed again. I had lost a total of 10 pounds since being here. And I doubted being around 96 pounds was normal for a 15-year-old.

I perked up when the small, metal hatch slid open and a tray consisting of stale bread, a cup of water that smelled metallic, and a can of open soup filled with a type of meat I didn't know. I waited until the hatch closed again and practically pounced on the meal. (If you could call it that.) As I assessed the meal, hunger clawed its way through my senses. Pain, reminding me of my leg, and multiple other flesh wounds brought a jolt to my mind and a hiss escaped my teeth.

Ignoring the constant presence of pain I took cautious sips of the weird smelling water, wrinkling my nose at the taste of lead. I couldn't really be picky though, and I drank half of it before taking a strip of the meat and sniffing it. It didn't smell even remotely human, so I ate three strips before scarfing down the stale bread. It tasted awful and I felt like I could puke, but my body needed energy.

I settled back down on the wall and gnawed on a piece of meat while listening to people outside.

"We are interested in a slave, and thought of no better person to come too." One voice spoke, but it didn't sound real. Almost as if the sound waves were manipulated.

"Of course... In what, are you looking for in a slave?" I recognized the voice I had only heard a few times as the headmaster. I held back a growl and bit the meat instead.

"Someone relatively new. We want to be able to break them. Someone around the Yellowstone, or greenstone magic level." A second voice spoke, this one also sounded manipulated, but female. I could imagine the kinds of money these people had in order to even CONSIDER TALKING about buying a green stone. Something sparked in my mind and I froze. Oh shit... They where practically describing me...

(boy oh boy. This seems bad for Chase! Sorry, I haven't kept a normal schedule but I have been busy. Again I'm sorry, I'm actually working on the next chapter right now, so expect that sooner than I have been posting.

I'll see ya'll in the next chapter! Remember to Vote, Comment and Share! Till next time!)


(Word count: 1353)

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