Chapter 9; Panic settling

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I brushed out my auburn hair slowly. Letting my finger trail through the glossiness. I frowned slightly when they got caught and continued brushing until the knot came out and my hair was smooth once again.

Flipping it back over my shoulders I took a fabric headband, colored back from the counter and pulled it over my forehead, quickly clearing my bangs off from over my eyes and leaving my violet eyes more visible than usual.

I pulled on some grey-blue jeans and comfortable top with the shifting label with sleeves going down to my wrists. The weekend was my favorite because I could lounge around, or head into the woods with Devon and Chase. I walked out of my bathroom and picked up and black hoodie from my bed, tying it around my waist.

"Morning!" I called enthusiastically into the kitchen. "You mean, afternoon?" Devon snorted and looked at me from making what I could smell as a quesadilla. I pouted, "It's the weekend! I can sleep in!" I retorted and sat down at the table.

"Chase! Lunch!" I called to Chase, who was most likely in his room, on the listener. I rolled my eyes when he didn't respond. I got off the chair and tiptoed to his room. Where the door was slightly open he was visible laying on his back mouthing the words to some song he was probably listening too.

I slammed open the door, "CHASE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs getting his attention. "GAH!!" He jumped up, falling off his bed and getting tangled up in his earbud strings. His shirt had tangled in the strings too, making half his chest and stomach visible. A strong blush covered his entire face and ear tips as he fumbled to pull his shirt down and untangle the cords.

I raised my eyebrow and bit my tongue to keep from laughing. You see, in wolf/werewolf culture, when you show your stomach it means that you're beneath the other pack member you are either fighting or talking too. And in this case, I'm actually beneath him in the hierarchy, so it was quite amusing for me to see this.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?!" He growled and sat up taking the cords of the listener and tossing them back on the bed. "Well, I called to you once, and when you didn't answer I assumed you had been kidnapped..." I lied smirking as he pushed himself to his feet a light, embarrassed blush sprinkling his cheeks.

"Yeah. Sure you did." He smiled then brushed past me on the way out of the room. Me following on his heels. I rounded the corner of the hall to see Chase pulling out a chair. I rushed over and took it before he had a chance too.

I put one leg over the other and smirked at him, "To slow." I stuck my tongue out at him and turned my attention over to the plate Devon was setting down.

"Wow! That smells good!" I took a triangle off the plate and sniffed it. Devon smiled and tilted his head to the side, "Ever had it?" He took a seat across from me, along with Chase. I shook my head and took a bite. I strong taste of melted cheese settled over my tongue, I quickly scarfed the whole triangle. "Wow! It's melted cheese for the filling right?" I asked taking another slice.

He nodded and rested his head on his hand. "Yeah. I'm surprised you've never had it before. It's not impossibly hard to make." I quizzical look crossed his face. I shrugged and stuffed the second piece in my mouth.

"So, what are going to do today?" I handed Chase a piece, who seemed to have zoned out. When he didn't take it I put it on top of his head and watched as he jumped at the weight and the triangle fell into his lap. "Pffftt~" I struggled to hold in laughter. Devon had a little less control and bust out laughing.

Chase glared at me and took the triangle, biting into in angrily. "What's up with you? You're less focused than usual." I commented once I composed myself.

Chase ignored me and continued taking angry bites. I frowned and thought of a way to get him talking. I let out a long breath, "Chase, c'mon. You can tell us anything." Chase paused when I said this.

"Maybe just Devon." He complied after a second. I wave of hurt passed through me, but it was better than nothing. I gestured for them to talk and got up from the chair.

Being the good person I was, I was not going to eavesdrop but that didn't make me any less curious. I wandering into my room and that's when the yelling started... I could hear Devon's voice raise then Chases closely after. Although the door was closed so I could hear shouting and not make anything of it. Something tumbled over and broke that made me flinch.

I flinched again when a window smashed. I cautiously peered out my door seeing no one, then I wandered into the hall. Devon was scribbling on a piece of paper with a concerned and fearful look on his face, a few items of furniture was thrown around, and I just noticed the metallic smell in the air.

"Where Chase?" I broke the silence, which made Devon jump and threw a dagger at me that was beside him. I dodged it in time, and before I had time to say anything he was leaning on me, shaking uncontrollably.

"Woah, Woah, what happened?" I asked gently, a snake felt like it was coiled around my stomach. "Just... stay here." He muttered and pressed the piece of paper into my hand. "I'm sorry what? Where's Chase?" My voice rose an octave.

I just happened to notice the broken window now. Devon slipped away from me and I diverted my attention back to him when the cracking and snapping of bones filled the air. Instead of Devon in front of me, it was his wolf form.

'Dont come after me.' He told me through the link and literally dove out the broken window into the forest surrounding the campus.

"What... just happened?" I slumped to the floor in confusion. My mind was racing a million miles a second. I couldn't organize them enough to get a coherent thought.

In my upturned palm was the slightly crumpled piece of paper what Devon had been writing on. I took a deep breath and opened it.

So panic is settling in, what has happened to Chase? And now Devon had gone after him? Or have they both ran away?

(Sorry I can't upload longer chapters, but I've been busy. I hope you guys like this chapter Vote, Comment, and Share!) 

(word count: 1122)


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