Chapter 1

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I ran faster, having only minutes before I'm late. Shit. I can't be late again. It would kill my mom. She doesn't need this right now, she has enough on her mind. I don't want her to spend her last few days or whatever worrying about me and my education.

I rounded the corner and sprinted through the hallway. I got to my locker and quickly shoved my books and jacket in there before grabbing my chemistry book and hightailing it toward my chemistry class.

I sat down in my seat right as the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief before feeling a tap on my shoulder. "You were almost late again?" Peter asked.

"Don't judge me, ok? I had to make sure that my mom was still comfy."

"How's she doing?"

"Worse and worse. The doctors are saying any day now. I told her that I want you with me when she goes, if that's ok."

"I'm honored. Of course."

"Allie, Peter, do you guys have something to share with the rest of the class?" our teacher asked.

"Sorry, we were just talking about my mom," I said.

"Well, that conversation needs to be saved for later. Please focus on your work."

I impatiently sat through the rest of my classes, just wanting to go to the hospital to see my mom again. As soon as the bell rang, I grabbed my books and went to my locker. When I got there, Peter was already there. "Hey, you still coming with me?" I asked him.

"Of course. You need all the support you can get. So does your mom."

I smiled. "Thanks. That means a lot to me right now. Anyway, we should get going."

I closed my locker, I pulled on my jacket, and slung my backpack over my shoulder before we headed to the subway.

"Yo, Iron Wannabe, where are you going?!" I heard someone yell.

"Ignore them. You didn't get to pick your last name," Peter said.

"I know. Just because my backpack says my last name doesn't mean they get to say something and make me care."

"See, this is why I like you," he said, making me smile.

The subway stopped, and we got out before heading toward the hospital. "Hi, I'm here to visit my mom. She's in hospice."

"Name?" the lady at the desk asked.

"My name is Allison Stark. Her name is Tamara Stark."

"Ok, who is this with you?"

"He's my friend, Peter Parker. He's been here before."

"Ok, you two can go on back."

We both said thank you before going back to my mom's room. "Hey Mom. I brought Peter," I said as we walked into her room.

"Oh, hi sweetie. Hi Peter. Are you guys dating yet?" she asked sarcastically.

"No Ma. How are you?" She sounded so weak, I couldn't take it.

"The doctor said tonight."

I was shocked. "Tonight? They're pulling the plug already?"

She weakly nodded her head. "I'm sorry baby. I love you though."

"I- I thought he said you had at least another week."

"He apparently changed his mind. I'm really sorry honey."

"I... I'll be right back."

I rushed out of the room. I didn't want her to see me cry. I was the strong one here. I had to be.

I could feel the tears start to fall. I leaned against the wall and started to sob. My mom was dying. She was going to die tonight. "Do you want me to call Aunt May? I'll stay with you," I heard Peter say. I didn't even hear him come out.

"Oh, if you want," I said between sobs.

I was sitting on the floor, and he immediately sat next to me, pulling me into a hug. "Of course I want to. I made you a promise, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember."

For the next few minutes, we sat there in the hallway. After that, Peter called his aunt while I sat with my mom, talking to her, having the last conversation I can.

"Ok, my aunt said I can stay as long as I need," Peter said.

I nodded. I was so lucky to have Peter in my life. He helped me through everything. When my dad died in fifth grade, he was the first one to come to my house and just hold me. He always just... gets me.

That's what he did now. He just sat there with me until the doctor came in and unplugged the machines. He sat there and held one hand as my mom held the other. He sat there with me as the line on the heart monitor went flat. He sat there with me as the nurse called the death. He sat there as they put her in a body bag.

And the whole time, he didn't let go. Didn't tell me it was ok. Didn't even say a word. He just held me. He let me cry until his shirt was soaked through. He let me squeeze as hard as I wanted, although I'm sure it hurt. He let me grieve.

After they wheeled my mom's body out to the hearse, Peter and I sat on a bench outside the hospital and waited for his Aunt May to come pick us up. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you," I said.

"It's no big deal. You've been there for me too."

I put my head on his shoulder. As I did, I heard a familiar voice. "Oh, Allie, I'm so sorry," May said as she came up to us, engulfing me in a hug.

"Thanks May."

"Where are you staying tonight?"

"I don't know, I didn't plan. I didn't know this was coming."

"Oh, well, until Child Services gets all of that figured out, you can stay with us."

"Thank you so much May. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I know it must be hard to go through what you're going through. Now, let's get you home and get you some clothes then get you to our house so you can get to bed."

I nodded. I was ready to get to bed, although I wasn't sure how much sleep I would get.

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