Chapter 1: Closet Raiding

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Melanie's POV

"Melanie Moat: college student. Well I'm just not a community college student anymore. " I thought. As my taxi approaches the Sunny L.A. university. The campus was beautiful. But right now the thing I was most worried about was my dorm-mate I didn't want to have to live with someone I hated. I approached my dorm door. I opened it and saw that one part of the room was decorated with a lot of ballet,Mario,and Pokemon things. I got the few things I had brought in place and wrote in my journal. It was basically a free day, to explore the campus. So I didn't have any classes. I had been writing for a few minutes when someone came into the room. I looked up from my journal to see a small Asian girl. "Hi, I'm Mari." She said as she closed the door. "I'm Melanie" I said quietly. "Oh shy are we?" She responded jokingly. I laughed and said "just a bit, I just moved here from New Jersey" "Oh well me and my friends have lived around Each other forever. You should meet them!" I was taken aback but flattered. "Sounds Fun!" I said. "Cool, we're having a back to school bonfire.wanna come?" "Yeah toats" I say as I put my journal on the shelf.

About an hour later I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I say, because Mari was curling her hair. I opened the door to a boy who was in one word, perfect. "Hi I'm Ian, is Mari here?" He said sheepishly. "Yeah. Hey Mari a boy named Ian is here to see you." I said - "Does he have a bowl haircut?" -"yes" "stubble" -"yes Mari just get out here" after asking me all those questions Mari finally came out of the bathroom. "Herrroo" Mari said to Ian. "Hey so-kinky, lasercorn, and jovenshire want to know if your coming to the bonfire" Ian said. "Yeah can Melanie come." Mari asked. "Totally"Ian replied. "Well adios Mari." He then turned to me and winked. It made my heart melt. Mari shut the door and squealed. "What was that for?" I asked. "Oh I saw that wink" she said excitedly. We looked at each other for a moment then screamed. "Okay so we have to make you look amazing for Ian. Not that your ugly. Um..... I know c'mon." Mari said as she opened the door and ran down the hall. She was about halfway to the end when she turned around and ran to room 213 we were room 225. I walked after her. She knocked on the door and A small teal haired girl answered." Hey Mari! and..." She said " oh I'm Melanie". "Hi Melanie. C'mon in guys." Kalel's dorm was very pastel and kawii. "So who's your dorm mate?" Mari asked. "A Russian girl named Evelina" Kalel answered. "Okay back to the issue at hand." Mari said. She then leaned over and whispered in Kalel's ear. When Mari pulled away Kalel squealed. "I know exactly what Ian will like. my boyfriend is best friend. Can I raid your closet?" She asked happily.

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