Chapter 2: bonfire

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Ian's Pov

I had just closed the door to Mari's dorm. I couldn't wait for the bonfire tonight. I really wanted to see Melanie again.

~~~~~~~that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wes,Joven,Lasercorn,and I Walked to the clearing where we always had bonfires. When we got there Anthony,Sohinki, and Flitz were the only people there.

After about 20 minutes Mari,Kalel,and Melanie came walking. Through the trees. Melanie looked stunning she was wearing this light pink flowy tank top thingy with pants that reminded me of mint chip ice cream without the chips. "Hey Wes hold my beer I'll be right back." I said. "Okaayyy????" Wes replied.

Melanie's pov

As Mari Kalel and I walk into a small clearing I see Ian looking adorable. But soon l got nervous I saw that everyone was drinking wine coolers

And beer. I didn't want to get caught by campus police. I had drank a few times in high school but never on school grounds. Oh well fuck it. Mari tossed me a wine cooler and we talked for a couple minutes. But I was surprised when I heard a voice say," hey Mari can I steal Melanie from you." I turned and saw Ian. "Yeah I'll go see what Lasercorn is doing" she said as she walked away. "You look stunning" Ian stated. "Thanks Kalel picked this out." I replied "do you want to go for a walk?" Ian asked "sure" I replied a wide grin across my face

{[ A.N]} sorry for the short chapters and sorry it sucks it's my first fanfic

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