Authors note

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Hey I know not many people are reading this fanfic. But wattpad lost chapters eight and nine. So I'm going a little crazy because it's annoying me. I will be uploading in maybe a week while i get this figured all out! I might be able to get chapter eight up by Wednesday. But I can't promise much. I also noticed I kind of go between using past and present tenses sometimes so.... sorry! I want to dedicate the chapters that are up so far to....the amazing watt pad user SundayGamer! (Jessica) I haven't really talked to her but I read her fanfic "Hit by Love" it is the best maricorn fanfic I've read in a loooooong time. I also know (because I'm hella creepy) that she reads this story! So go read "Hit by love (smosh maricorn fanfic)" Also a really good fanfic I read recently was "ordinary girl-Maricorn Story" by TheAsianShipper. Bye you little bunnies I love you!!!!

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