Part 17

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Melanie's Pov

I walked out of my dorm with my wallet and walked to the nearest liquor store. I bought two large bottles of vodka. I walked back to campus and walk into the dorm. I sat in the tub and downed a fourth of the bottle. I kept drinking until everything around me was just a blur of colors. then bottle two. I ended up passing out in the bathtub.

~the next day~

I woke up with a huge hangover. I took a couple of aspirins forgetting about what happened last night. Ian broke up with me. ugh. I stayed sober that day. Went to my classes.

That's how it went until graduation, get drunk as fuck, pass out. Wake up hungover go to class, feel like shit. get home get drunk as fuck, pass out.

For six months. six months. I didn't talk to anyone. I didn't go home for Christmas. I stopped paying my phone bill. the only person I wanted was Ian. I got an apartment that summer. I stopped drinking. I got a job. I made new friends. and for two years I worked on restarting my life.

Ian's Pov

In the six months between me and Mel's breakup and graduation. I went into severe depression. it was really bad. I called Mel every day. I wanted her back. She didn't answer, and after Some time It stopped going through. I started to cut. I felt guilty at first, because of David. But I needed it. it was a distraction. I got over Mel that summer. I moved on with my life, that summer Anthony and I started smosh. That was a better distraction. things started looking up for once.

Mari's pov

I gave the baby away. me and Anthony didn't stay together. I still go to David's grave every Friday. I think I love Anthony but, David and were meant to be. I loved him more than anything. all the mistakes I made haunt me. the summer after graduation I went to Japan and visited my grandmother. I decided to go back to college. I didn't know anyone there. no one came back. The halls reminded me of my old life. before everything. when I was truly happy. with David.

Authors note

So. hi. this isn't the end. I'm going to go one with mel and Ian's life with the people they end up with. but not to much one or two chapters top.comment and tell me what you thought! I love you bunnies.

P.S. is this short it feels short.

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