Chapter 9- True

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Mari's POV I was sitting, leaning against the bathroom door crying, uncontrollably, sobbing. Realizing that I had messed up bad. Real Bad. "Mari are you okay?" I tried to steady my voice. "Yeah, I'm fine, Mel." I wasn't. Not at all. I kept thinking about the pregnancy test I had in my purse. I cried more. A minute or two later I heard the door open and shut. "Mari?!" "David?" I said as I stood up and unlocked the bathroom door running into his arms. "David..." I couldn't get out any more words. He hugged me more tightly. "it's okay's okay." I wiped the tears off my face. David helped me feel better. Helped me stop crying. We stood there a little longer. "Babe, I have to get to football practice by 12:30." "Okay." I mumbled into his chest before he left. He walked out the door and I walked into the bathroom. I Grab some tissues and make sure I look okay. I don't know where Melanie went but I didn't want to look like a hot mess. I sat in my bed and scrolled through twitter. Melanie came in and we decided to go get lunch. While in the car Melanie asked me what to do about leaving for a week. I gave her a half ass answer being I had my own things to stress about. when we got home I immediately went in the bathroom and took the test. I stated in there for the 10 minutes and saw a large pink +. My suspicions were true. after two positive tests and one negative. I knew. I was pregnant.

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