Part 14

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Ian's Pov

Melanie just left my dorm and David was at football practice. I decided I would go get Mel and I lunch and surprise her. I went through the Taco Bell drive thru. I was driving home when I got a call from David.

I- hey lasercorn what's up.

?- Is this David Moss' room mate?

I- yes what's wrong

?- I am a paramedic. we were called by Joshua Ovenshire. David attempted to commit suicide and is in the hospital in critical condition. We looked through his records and saw that his parents live in Maine. You were the last person he called. Can you get here or know someone who can.


Holy shit. I called Mari and Sohinki on a three way call.

I-guys David's in the hospital get everyone there ASAP I can't be there for another twenty minutes.

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