Chapter 10

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David's POV

I was just at mari's I knew what was wrong. I still couldn't understand how it happened. We ALWAYS used protection. I know that condoms only work like 97% of the time but you don't think it would happen to yourself. I loved her more than anyone. She made me smile when nothing or no one could. I'm going to propose to Mari. I'm going to do it.

Side note. the next POV is a week-ish later. Everyone knows Mari is pregnant. anyway DUBAI!!!

Mari's POV

Breathe. Breathe. I remind my self as I stand in front of his door. I'm here to say it I knocked at room 572 "Pl-please open" in say unable to control my whole body from shaking. I look at him as he opens the door. "It's yours." I say then turn and start to walk away. "Wait! Mari! Come in." he says. I reluctantly walk into his room. I sit on the familiar bed. "Are you sure?" "Yes. David and I used protection." he laid his head in his hands. "are you going to keep it?" "No" "why" "I'm only 20." "okay. if you want you can leave." "okay" I looked into his beautiful eyes. Why did he have to be so amazing. Mari! What about david?! I love them both. or do I. I leaned up to kiss him. I defiantly knew what I was going to do.

Melanie's POV

Ian and I sat on my bed in silence. until Ian said "Mel?" "Yes" "I love you" I didn't respond only turned around and kissed him. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. " I love you too." Ian grabbed his head in my hands and kissed me again. I was now straddling his legs. It was if out lips were perfect puzzle pieces.

I know it's sucky but I haven't updated in forever!

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