Part 16

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Ian's POV

"I'm sorry sir, its to late." "What" "What do you mean." "He can't" tears start rolling down my face my voice shaking worse than it ever had. "David can't be gone." I yell. "He Cant!" I shout later. "NO!" I scream. my whole body is shaking. One of my best friends, dead. "is Mari Takahashi here?" I ask the nurse."No she ran out crying. saying something about it being her fault." I just walk out the door. I can't keep my self composed anymore. I start crying. breathe. ian. I get into my car. I lean my head on the steering wheel and sob. after twenty minutes I'm more composed, I call mel.

M-hey babe.

I-David's gone.


I-he's dead. he committed suicide

M-oh my god. is it because of mari?

I-what do you mean.

M- mari is pregnant with anthony's baby

I-what. why didn't you tell me?

M-I just found out.

I- does Kalel know?

M- I don't know. wait she just texted me.

M- it says "Mel, I know weren't super close but, I felt like we had a good little friendship. your great mel. I want to be your friend, even if it means I might have to deal with Anthony and Mari once in a while. Honestly everyone makes bad choice and shit happens. I heard about David send ian my sympathy I know those two were close. I'll talk to you some other time. =•= ~k"

I-tell her I said thanks. Mel, I really really hate to say this but, I think I just need a break.

m- from us?

I- from everything.

Melanie's pov

I threw my phone at the wall. ian just broke up with me.

Authors Note

Guys just btw. I am a terrible person;I hate happy endings. so the end is near but not for at least another 3 chapters.

Also dedication time:).

1st dedication!

Cracked by: sundaygamer READ IT! omg it is so good. I love love love it.

Bye bunnies! I love you so much!

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