Part 12

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Kalel's POV

I was decorating my wall with some pastel pink shelves. I placed some Pokemon plushes on them along with some other cute Japanese things. I got a call from Anthony.

A- h-hi

K- hey what's wrong you sound worried

A- Um come over I'll explain to you then. I ah um yeah, just come over.

K-okay I'll be there in a little bit bye babe.


I stepped down from my ladder and put on some toms. I walked out the door saying goodbye to Evelina. She and I have become really good friends. Not better friends then me and Mari though. I walked up the steps to Anthony's room. I knocked on the door. it was opened by Anthony's roommate Shane. "hello. Anthony is shitting his brains out. We went to Taco Bell earlier. come in." typical shane." Thank you for that in detail mental image." "no problem" I rolled my eyes and walked in. "Well I'm going to Joey's" Shane shut the door as I went to sit on Anthony's bed. He walked out from the bathroom a few minutes later.

"Hey kalel, I need to just say this I'm in love."

"Well that's probably a good thing we've been dating for two years."

"With someone else"


"I can't be with you anymore"

"Just tell me do they know this or is it just a burning crush?"

"They know"

"So you've been cheating on me!?"

He just nodded.

"Anthony I wouldn't have cared of you weren't interested in me anymore and we broke up. I would've understood. BUT CHEATING. why didn't you just break up with me and then go for them?" I'm fuming. I walk to the door, but before I turn the knob I ask "Who is it?" He says a name very quietly. "Stop mumbling and just fucking say it. "Mari" "What!? You cheated on me with my best friend. I done with you you fucking douche." I viciously shove open the door. I hear an "ow" I look down and see that shane was lying on the ground. "I forgot my phone. I don't want to walk in while you guys where yelling." "Oh well thanks for giving us space...your bleeding!" I say as I see the cut on his head. "I can fix you up in my room" I say and we walk to my room so I can clean up his. head. While we were walking I see Mari. "hey kalel!" "dont fucking talk to me you fucking whore" I say as I quicken my pace. we were almost to my room when shane said, "I thought that was your best friend." "No she was with Anthony while we were dating I'm done with all of them." "you don't need them" shane said. he put his hands on the side of my face and kissed me. In that moment I realized I really didn't need any of them Anthony,Mari,Ian,Sohinki,Lasercorn,Flitz,Joven, wes. Anthony made it so I couldn't be friends with anyone on that group. I could make new friends. the only one I would miss was mel. I need to move on.

Authors note

Hey guys this a chapter that needs to happen for another chapter. It will make sense later. I'm trying to expand the plot and stuff.

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