Chapter 3: truth or dare

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Melanie's Pov

As Ian and I walked away from the group He put his hand in between us and I grabbed it. The first day was going perfectly. Ian took me out to a little pond with a log sitting near it. "This is something I've never shown anyone before. Not even Anthony. This where I go when I need to take a breather." Ian said "like when the corn gets on my nerves." He said. " The corn? As in Lasercorn?" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "Lucky me right? Last year I was roomed with Anthony, but corn isn't bad." " yeah I'm really like Mari. We get along quite well." We continued talking for a few more hours. When Ian shyly said, "Mel can I get your number?". "Of course" I said and he handed me his phone. We decided to head back to the bonfire. "Heyyyy!" Joven slurred. "Aww is Jovie drunkie?!" Ian said. I sat down next to Mari and Kalel we were probably the only ones plus Ian, oh and Wes and Flitz. who weren't bombed. "So how was your walk?" Mari asked. "Good" I replied.

A few minutes later we decided to play truth or dare. Joven went first. "Umm Anthony, trooth or darrerer" Joven slurred worse then before.

"Dare biotch!" Anthony yelled. " I dare you to kiss Flitz." Joven replied. "Fuck you, Joven" Flitz yelled. "Omg so gross you guys!" Anthony said in a bad middle school girl voice. "Well then come here ya cracker." They leaned in and pecked each other on the lips. "Oooh" everyone said. "Hey guys that was just a bit to much flanthony for me I'll be in the bushes" Lasercorn joked. "Um okay...Mari! Truth or dare?" Anthony said. "Um truth" Mari replied "shit I didn't have any good truths. Wait I got one are you a virgin?" Anthony asked "really Anthony? No I'm not" Mari said twiddling her thumbs. "Who was it?!" Wes asked.

"I can't tell you! It'll ruin our relationship. Shit. I mean..... Just shit." Everyone gasped. Mari in a relationship??!?.That explains her leaving and going for "walks" all the time. Then Mari got a text. "I've been informed that we are ready to disclose our relationship." Mari said standing up. "Jesus Mari tmz much get on with it" Ian said his comment made me giggle. Mari started walking in the direction of Joven Lasercorn, Sohinki,and Flitz. She then went and gave a kiss to....


{[A.N]} hahaha im evil. Who will it be????

Also I love you little bunnies!

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