Chapter 13

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Melanie's Pov

I was walking through the door just getting back from Ian's. . I took my shoes off. Mari wasn't home. she left her phone on her bed. I would have taken it to her If I knew where she was. I sat it on Mari's desk and walked across the room to mine. I sat at my desk and wrote my paper for my French lit class. Mari's phone rang. I ignored it and continued with my paper. it rang again. and again. I walked over and looked that it was David. I thought she was there. oh well I picked it up.

D-hey let me talk to Mari

M-she left her phone here I thought she was with you somewhere else.

D-No she's probably with that fucking idiot.

M-What! Who?

D-She's been dating Anthony for like a damn month.

M-what! How did you find out?!

D-Shane. I'm done. Its not my baby either. I guess Anthony told Joven and flitz. nobody told me. I'm pissed at everyone right now.

M-That's shitty. well David I have to go. sorry about everything.

David's Pov

I ended the phone call. Tears started uncontrollably rushing out of my eyes. I couldn't keep it together anymore. I couldn't act stoic and manly. I was hurt. the girl I was in love with cheated on me. With one of my best friends. my other best friends knew and didn't tell me. I feel worthless. I can't do it. I rush to the bathroom. being glad that Ian is gone. I search for my razor. I had to slam it on the sink several times to remove one of the blades. I picked it up with my shaking hand. People wouldn't care there would always be someone more important.1. Blood trickles. 2. I push deeper. 3. 4. 5. Each deeper than the last. 6. my vision starts to blur.7. The blade drops out of my hand. I pick it back up. before I can make another cut I fall to the ground. Then everything goes black.

Authors note

..........................sorry I'm trying to be quite while everyone plots my death. Guys! Comment! I love reading them! I got over 100 reads on my first chapter of this fanfic! Also I started writing another fanfic! it's called "Us,Me,You (Troyler Fanfic)" it won't be up for another couple days! also in trying to update this fanfic at least 4 times a week. so for an upcoming chapter it will be chosen by you guys! :) I'm not going to tell you what chapter it is. but comment (on this chapter) what you want to happen.

1.)Kalel leaves the friend group forever.

2.)She stays friends with Melanie but is bitchy to everyone else.

3.) She dumps shane and starts dating Sohinki, Flitz, Wes, or Joven. (Say which one you want!)

Okay bye you little bunnies I love you!

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