Part 21

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Ian's pov

I can't believe grace, making me come here. I can't see her. with him. happy, when I'm so miserable. She opens the door, smiling at grace, her expression dropping as she sees me. she sprints out the door. "Melanie" grace yells. she runs in the house and gets Dan. Dan runs out of the house after her. Oh god all of this because of me. "Grace, I'm going to go back to the hotel. I shouldn't have come here in the first place." "Okay. I'll be back asap." I walked to the nearest bus stop and took it to the hotel. I ruin everything.

Grace POV

I saw Mel, Dan, and a short haired girl walking towards me.

"Sorry bout that grace" Dan shouted. We all walked in the house. "Mel what happened?" Dan asked. "I dated Graces husband in college, we dumped me and put me in a real bad spout of depression." she said cuddling into dans chest. "I'm okay now. I just panicked." We shot our videos and I left to go back to the hotel room. I walked in and saw ian lying on the bed crying. What have I done.

Authors note

Omg you guys 1,000 reads! this is so cool! I love you little bunnies! sorry for the short chapter wanted u to have something! Also Check out my new Maricorn fic called regret and love! Bai!

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