Part 18

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I am Melanie . I am married to Dan Howell I live in London, England. I'm truly in love with my husband. I love him more than anyone.

I am Ian . I am married to Grace Helbig. I live in Los Angeles, California I am not over Melanie Moat. I love her so much. I don't really love grace. but, my parents pressured me into getting married. I love Melanie and will never love anyone as much.

I am Anthony. I 28 years old. I'm married to Lilly Singh. I live in Toronto. I made the biggest mistake of my life, I truly loved Kalel Cullen. Getting Mari pregnant is the worst thing I ever did. I want Kalel back.

I am Kalel. I'm 28 years old. I'm married to Shane Dawson. I live in Los Angeles, California.I'm happy. Truly really happy

I am Mari. I live in Los Angeles, California. I miss David. I'm alone know. I want David back. I want to die.

I am Joshua. I'm married to Lisa Schwartz. I couldn't be happier.

I am Matt. I'm married to Justine Ezarik. I'm great.

I am Wes. I'm engaged to Flitz. we are great.

Guys! It's not over I promise. there is more to come!

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