Chapter 4: Pen selling and pecks

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Melanie's pov

Mari started walking in the direction of Joven Lasercorn, Sohinki,and Flitz. She then went and gave a kiss to LASERCORN. Whaaaaat??? I didn't see that coming.

"What the fuck?" Almost everyone said at the same time. "Since your all comfy over there with corny can I have your spot Mari?" Ian asked. "Go ahead and by the way Ian truth or dare" Mari replied. Ian, now sitting next to me said," dare bitch!!" "Okay I dare you to kiss Melanie because, I ship it like fedex." I could feel myself blush. Ian turned toward me and pecked me on the cheek. "Aww" Kalel and Mari said. "Okay Wes truth or dare." Ian asked. "Dare" Wes replied "I dare you to try and sell Flitz this pen." Ian said as he tree the pen to Wes. "This is stupid but what ever." Just then I saw Flitz thumbs up Ian. "Hello Flitz, buy this pen." Wes said. Flitz replied "I'm good." Goddamn it Flitz just take the damn thing." Wes said as he threw the pen at Flitz. It ended up sticking in Flitz's cheek. "Holy shit!" Flitz yelled. " I can get it my mom was a nurse. First we need to if it will bleed when we pull it out Joven you might want to move." I quickly pulled then pen out. It only bled a little but made Flitz put pressure on it. I walked back to my seat and Ian said. "That was cool,that you thought it was gonna fountain out onto Joven." I replied with " I knew it wouldn't I saw that the pen was only a centimeter or two deep." " still it's nice to know you can take care Of me when I'm old" Ian said. Omg Ian think we'll grow old together. "THANKS WES" we heard Flitz shout "I'm not buying this pen b t dubs (btw)." "Its getting late everybody should pry go home" Anthony said. And we did.

{[A.N]} sorry it sucks I wanted an interesting end to the game. I love you little bunnies

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