Chapter 7: i meant to do that

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Melanie's pov

My week was uneventful. But I was excited for the weekend we were going to have another bonfire/party. It was my one month anniversary with Ian too. Just then I got a text from Ian

I-wanna go to my secret spot ?

M-if I'm with you I'll go anywhere;)

I-so like anywhere like Siberia.

M-okay not anywhere

I-lol I'll be at urs in an hour

M- okayyy◉‿◉

*~end convo~*

I braided my hair and put on some jeans and my Mario t-shirt.

Once I got my make up done it was 5:45 Ian wouldn't be here for another fifteen minutes. I read some more of my book.

----time skip-----

We were at Ian's spot sitting on a blanket in the grass. I had my head in Ian's chest and he had his arm around me. We were just talking about stupid stuff when it started to rain. We ran to a tree we thought would shield us but we looked out and there was only one wet spot. We looked up and saw Joven and Wes perched in a tree with two water guns "screw you!" Ian yelled jokingly. They got down and we all walked back together.

Joven and Wes went back to their room. Me and Ian decided to go hang out in his room.

We watched tv and cuddled until I went to my room to get ready for the bonfire. I put on some jean shorts and a sequined tank top.


Me and Mari walked to the spot, seeing Flitz, Joven, Anthony, Kalel, Lasercorn and Ian. Ian got up ran while loudly saying my name. He was less then a foot away when he tripped and fell taking me with him. We both laughed hysterically. We stood up and Ian said, "I meant to do that." Everybody started laughing louder.

"You okay?"

"Yeah sorry about knocking you over"

"It's okay." I leaned up and kissed Ian for a moment. "Hey you guys wanna play truth or dare?!" Anthony asked the group. Everyone said yes. I sat next to Ian on my right, Mari on my left Lasercorn on her left. Then Anthony, Kalel, Wes Flitz Joven and Sohinki. Wes started "Anthony truth or dare." "Dare." "I dare you to run around campus in your underwear." Anthony gave Wes a death stare and everyone brushed out laughing. So Anthony stripped down to his sonic the hedgehog boxers. Anthony ran away. Ian and Wes got up and threw Anthony's pants high up in the trees.

"Where are my pants?! Anthony yelled. After minutes of looking. Anthony gave up and sat in his boxers. "Ian truth or dare" "dare" " I dare you to kiss Wes." "Fuck you!" Ian and Wes said in unison. They quickly pecked and then Ian took his jacket and rubbed it on his face."okay Melanie truth or dare" "truth" "do you love me?" "Yes" I said and leaned and pushed my lips against Ian's for a little bit. Some of the guys started telling us to get a room. "Let's go on a walk" Ian whispered. "Let's go to my room" I replied. Ian smiled and said "bye" to everyone. We walked to my room and sat on the bed. "Melanie I love you more than anything in the world" Ian said. He leaned over and passionately kissed me. After a minute or two Ian slid his hand up the side of my shirt. Oh shit I wasn't planning on this. I thought about it for a second and decided I would let it happen hopefully Mari didn't come home anytime soon. And hopefully Ian had a condom.


"I love you Melanie." Ian said "I love you to Ian." Ian had to go back to his dorm. When he left I decided to get ready for bed when I looked in the mirror i looked older. Like somehow having sex made me look more mature. Ian wasn't my first but those times didn't really mean anything they were just drunken hookups. I think it just made Ian and I closer. I never felt like this about anyone before. every time i think of him a smile spreads across my face. Every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach. I am truly madly in love with Ian Andrew Hecox.

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