Chapter 8- Mom.

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Melanie's Pov I was reading a book while lying on my bed when I heard Mari crying. "Mari are you okay?." "Yeah I'm fine, Mel" I wasn't so sure. So because Mari was always there for me when I was sad. But when I tried to cheer people up it always made it worse so I texted David.

M-Hey do you mind coming over? Mari's crying. I'm not very good at comforting people.

D-Yeah I'll be there in a lil bit. You should come over and talk to Ian.

M-okay thanks!

~*~*~End convo~*~*~

I walked out the door quietly so Mari didn't hear me. I slowly walked up the stairs to the male dormitories. I passed Lasercorn and waved at him. When I walked up the door I knocked quickly. Ian opened the door with only his boxers on and terrible bed head. "Mel!" "Ian!, Hey!" "why are you here so early in the morning?" "Ian, it's noon!" "Really?! Oh and come in" Ian said while stepping away from the door. I rested my hands on his shoulders and leaned up to kiss him. He twirled his fingers in my hair while I moved my right hand to his cheek. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I love you." I said as I leaned my head against his chest. "I love you too Mel." "I don't want this moment to end." We said simultaneously. "Well that was cheesy as hell." Ian joked. I pushed his chest playfully. There was a knock in the door and then the voice of Lasercorn saying, "is everyone dressed?" "screw you Lasercorn. And yes." Ian said. I turned to David as he walked through the door. "Is Mari okay?" "yeah just some .....stuff went down. But ahh can I talk to Ian for a minute Mel?" "yeah I'll go talk to Mari. bye babe." I walked out the door. and ran to go check on Mari. I came through the door and said,"Mariiiiiiiiii I'm hooome!" (If you get that reference I love you ) "Hey Mel!" "feeling better?" "yeah a lot" "do you want to go get some lunch?" We both agreed to go In-N-Out. I threw on a black tank top and jean shorts. Mari and I both put our hair in French braids and left. while we were driving there I got called by my mom.

Conversation (I'm just putting an m for Melanie and an A for her mom. I don't know her moms name but in this story it starts with a)

M-Hi mom!

A-Hello Melanie. I was wondering if you are booking your thanksgiving flight or if you want me to.

M-I will. bye.

Shoot. Thanksgiving was only a month away. I didn't want to leave here. I don't want to leave Ian. or Mari. I told Mari about my worries due to having to leave for the week.

"It'll be okay. there's Skype and it's only a week." I thought about it while we were eating. on our way home I decided I would get over it. Mari was right. I knew it would be hard but I could leave Ian for a week. but only a week. when we got back Mari went in the bathroom. I found it slightly odd being that she went used the restroom right before we left. Oh well. After a little a few minutes Mari came out of the room. I then went in to take my make up off. I was really tired and decided to take a nap. I grabbed my wipes out of the cupboards and harshly wiped my face. I only had three wipes left. So I knew I could only use one today. After wiping everything off my face I threw the wipe in the trash. it didn't go in so I bent down and put it carefully in the bin. I nudged a tissue aside with a eyeliner pencil I grabbed off the counter. Then I realized what I was looking at. A pregnancy test.

(Hahaha cliffhanger!) (the next chapter will be what Mari was thinking during all this!. (I'll be doing some more pov's

In the future) Guys!!!! good news! I know it's a little rushed. I suck at details! I have the next four chapters written. Anyway Bye you little Bunnies. You can follow me on the stuffs.






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