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I'm scared my nana pulled me and talked to me bout what I want to do that I have to go into my senior year knowing what I want to do I have lots of decisions to make some I've already made like where I want to go after high school what I want to go to college for what job I want she said she dident want to keep the house we have if I'm just gonna move after high school she dident want to support me this next year if I'm just gonna leave bc otherwise I might as well go to Luling and do my senior year there I said no i starting st my high school here I'm finishing here it's only fair and it makes the most since and it's not easy to go to a new school some things I've thought about are being a vet tech my dads got a friend I can talk to bout the pros and cons of it and maybe taking after my dad in photography and making somthing out of that I looked into colleges I got calls from Texas state and I looked into UT but that's more of a business school and the best option I see right now is ACC but I got to figure out what I want first and it's on me I'm scared for graduation I don't want fighting I don't want to be torn in half from both my family's I love them both some times it's hard to remeber that but I just want my life to make since and come together I'm gonna try to take drivers ed so I can get my dads old car Nicky she's a black car it's nice but it's a dark car so it's not gonna be nice in the summer but i want to get a part time job so I can pay for it and get the insurance on it and make it MY CAR! So I can pick up my sister and go anywhere we want together no boys just me and her graduation 2019 will be my day and I'm looking forward to it but I don't want it to turn I want everyone to just bundle up the shot and just be there for me no fighting no arguing just being there supposing me I know I'm not the kinda person that likes to be the center of attention and I know I'm not flashy and outgoing I can be but it's not always when I want it to be I just want everything to be okay and that's weird for me one of my readers will understand this I'm a believer I don't listen to facts I believe in hope and get my hopes up and sometimes hope let's me down but I got people to raise me up one person specifically you know who you are 😇 life is life and life can let you down and destroy you I just don't know what to think sometimes

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