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2020 is interesting while i except things to be crazy the first few mouths i never thoight id start the year feeling like i do
   Dont get me wrong i still feel like me its just a weird feeling at least i left 2019 with late agnoligment i know thats not something to be happy bout it sounds mean the event of her lewving happened last yr but the feelings hit hard this year so technically  starting the yr rough
  She left for her own reasons not the first time someone left me they all stay for a bit then something happems not always there fault most blame it on me cant say im surprised life is life and shit happens right now however im in a very happy relationship and he makes me happy i know ive said that before but hes the sweetest amd weve always had a great connection since we connected and now hes my boyfriend and he loves me for me and respects me
      ive been given the youtube channel and ive made it my own lots i want to do to the studio to make it different as completly different as i can make it i really want to challange myself to try new things
   Last night i was getting talked to about apprently me being manipulative twards a on agaon off again (friendship ) thst i used it to my advantage and nearly sware them off from eachother that BS exuse my language but it is they had there own issues it wasnt me people just looking for someone to blame and im sick of it thank got im not part of that
   And now whatever relationships happen i wontvbe a factor so all is well for them
    Here in my small town im as happy as csn be my lil cosins keeping us busy woth basketball for the next two mouths and april snd march basebsll foe all three and a new baby coming probrally next month shes bout ready to pop so we are so excided
    This was just for me to rant not ment to hurt anyone  i know i can only do whay i feel bit i feel safe here to twlk boit this ans ive descused all of this woth my boyfriejd first of corce bit im getting by

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