Chapter 6

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Me and Cedric have been talking for about 2 weeks and I will say he's growing on me. I won't admit it to Allison or Zakiya but I'm kind of glad they left that night. Cedric is real cool once he puts his little ego to the side.

Even though I am feeling him school is still my main priority. I can't have any distraction this year.

I like the place me and him are in. We're friends but flirt once and awhile. I'd like to keep it that way too. I can stay focused on school and deal with him in my free time.


"Ain't nothing making yo ass smile that hard into that phone." Zakiya said walking up to me and Allison in the cafeteria.

"You already know she talking to her new boo-thang." Allison said extending her hands out to Zakiya for a hug.

"Fuck y'all. I can smile at his texts if I want to." I laughed.

While I'm in school Cedric only texts me when its lunch time. When I checked his text from this morning it was a picture he took of me on FaceTime the night before.

Its was cute to me when he did little things like that. It made me smile and feel happy.

"Let me find out Tiffany sprung! I thought you ain't give niggas like Cedric the time of day." Zakiya said mocking me.

"Don't be jealous I got a boo now." I laughed

"Heffa whateva. Nic wasn't for me anyway. " Zakiya said sounding offended.

The night Zakiya fought that girl Bri was the night her and Nic broke up.

He tried to lie and say it was his friend but the girl contacted Z on Twitter and told her she was his girlfriend.

Long story short Nic a lying ass nigga and tried to play my best friend and that ain't happen.

Me, Allison & Zakiya ate our lunch and got ready to go to our 5th period class. Once I told my friends bye I mad my way to math class.

20 minutes into class and I felt my phone vibrate. Of course it was a text from Cedric. I wait till my teacher put her head down and checked his message.

Cedric: Hey ik you in class but let's do something today after you get out of school?

Me: Yea we can. What time ?

Cedric: I'll get you after school if that's cool witchu .

Me: yea cool see you later.

I had two more classes after this one and I was free to go. I was excited about seeing him today.

*2 hour's later*

I walked out the school searching for Cedric's car.

"Tiff come on." Brandon yelled from his the other side of the parking lot.

I made my way over to him and explain I wasn't riding home with him today.

"Be safe and if you need me call me." Brandon said giving me a hug & getting into the car.

*Honk Honk*

I turned to see Cedric smiling at me with the window rolled down. I got in and we made our way out the school parking lot.

"So what you do today?" I asked making small talk.

"Nothing really. I just chilled and handled some business.

"Oh okay... so why you not in school?" I asked curious.

He look at me out the side of his eye and smirked a little.

"School ain't for everyone. I'd rather make money other than sit in some school. "

"Oh just wondering." I said looking him over. "Where we going today?"

"The River Walk, you cool with that?"

"Yea sounds fun. Just get me home before 10:00."

We hit the highway and I texted Brandon to let him know where we where going. I gotta be safe you know?

I was a little nervous because it was like me and Cedric were going on a date and friends don't go on dates. I just hope nothing crazy happens tonight....

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