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"Tiffany hurry the hell up before we late to school" Brandon yelled through the bathroom door .

It's the first day of school and I have to look right ! We live in small town Monroe, Louisiana and when people see me for some reason they act star stuck.

I figure that's because I'm cute! I'm 5'1 and thick . My skin is a smooth brown color . And when it comes to dressing I can dress!

*knocking* "Tiffany hurry up before I leave your ass" Brandon screamed at me.

"Nigga I'm finished , damn, ain't like you got no one up there to see." I laughed and pushed passed him.

Brandon is my cousin and best friend. We grew up together and have a unbreakable bond. If I fight he fight, and the same with him.

I set the alarm to my house and made sure everything was locked up. I walked to the passenger side of the car and jumped in . Brandon cranked the car and we rode to school laughing and joking.

I'm in 10th grade and Brandon is in 11th so once we reached the school we said our good byes and went separate ways.

"Tiffany, girl you look good!" My friend Allison said to me walking up.

"Girl you act like I don't always look cute" I said hugging my friend

Allison is my down friend . When I say she's down to ride, the girl is down to ride y'all. People say we look alike all the time ! Which is a compliment because she's beautiful!

She laughs and we walk to the auditorium where we seen most of the crowd going. We walk in and eyes were on us. We're use to it so we shake it off. We spot our other friend Zakiya talking to her boyfriend.

I don't really like him but she says she loves the boy so I put a smile on and speak .

"Hey Tiffany , hey Allison. " Zakiya's boyfriend Nic says

I smile and hug my other best friend Zakiya . We catch up and not long after its time to start finding our classes.

I have a feeling this year is going to be unforgettable.

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