Chapter 17

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*Zakiya's POV*

Nic called me over to his house to talk today. I don't know what its about but Im hoping it's not bad. Me and him are just now getting back together and if he mess up its over.

I got Allison to pick me up and take me over there. When we pulled up some ratchet female was outside with a baby arguing with him. I rolled my eyes already knowing it was about to be some drama. Me and Allison stepped out the car.

"What's the problem?" I asked walking up to her and Nic. The girl rolled her eyes at me and gave me a ugly look.

"Yeap, its a problem. Who you supposed to be?" She said getting a attitude. Nic walked over to me and stood beside me.

"Hell no Nic! Who this is? I hope this ain't yo girlfriend. She know you gotta baby?" The girl was causing a big scene.

WHAT? A baby? I looked at the little boy she was holding in her arms. He didn't look nothing like Nic. She had him mistaken for someone else. Nic was dark skinned and the baby was light. I knew for sure it wasn't his baby.

"That's not his baby! Bitch you got him mistaken for someone else." I was getting heated and was ready to swing on her ass. Only thing that stopped me was the baby in her arms.

"I got yo bitch! And yea its his or either his friend Cedric's! They need to take a DNA test so I can hurry up and put one of them on child support!" She said rolling her neck.

I was caught off guard by what she said. "Its his or either his friend Cedric's." Is this bitch foreal?

"HELL NA HOE! Put yo baby down so we can fight." Allison said taking of her earrings. Before Allison could take off her left earring I grabbed her and took her back to her car.

"Wait bae, we need to talk!" Nic called behind me.

"Oh I'm not finished with yo ass! You better believe I'm coming back!" I yelled him. But before I talk to him I have to let Tiffany know what just happened. I know she's going to be hurt but I have to let her know.

*Tiffany POV*

I was sitting in the living room feeding Brooke when Zakiya texted me and told me she was coming to see me. I wasn't really feeling like company but that's my best friend so I guess I can talk to her.

Ten minutes after she told me she was coming someone rung the doorbell. Thinking it was her I opened it without asking who it was. When I swung the door open it was Cedric. He kissed me and grabbed Brooke out my arms.

Before I could sit down on the couch the doorbell rang again. This time it was Allison and Zakiya.

She hadn't even got in the house good enough before she started talking. "Girl let me tell you about yo baby daddy and my boyfriend." She said, following me into the living room. When she got there Cedric looked straight in her direction.

"Tell her what?" He asked sounding like he was about to get mad. "About that ratchet bitch you supposedly got a baby by." Zakiya spoke.

Cedric eyes almost popped out his head when she said that. I did my best to stay calm. All I did was take my baby out his hands and set on the couch opposite of him.

"So you got another baby?" I asked.

"Man, I don't know Tiff, possibly, but I wasn't gone tell you until I was for sure it was mine."

"Oh yeah, and tell her how either you or Nic can be the baby daddy." Zakiya added. Cedric mugged her for awhile then turned back to me.

"Listen baby, before you get mad, understand that girl was nothing but a hoe and me and my homeboys use to flip her, but thats before I met you and stopped messing with her."

I didn't no if I should believe him or not. How could he keep something like that from me? He's starting to hurt me, either it's mentally or physically and he told me he was different. I sighed and looked at him in the eye.

"I don't even have time to argue with you, you go and find out if that's your baby and when you feel like you can start telling me the truth about things then you can call me. Until then we're done and I don't want nothing to do to you."

It took everything in me to say that, but I didn't want to be with him if he was going to keep secrets. Maybe when he figures out how to communicate with me and keep it real, we can get back together. Until then, my main priority is Brooke, then school!

"Wait, I know you not breaking up with me? What about our baby ?" He asked starting to get upset.

"You can still see her, but me and you are done. Now come on" I got up and led him to my door. He kissed Brooke and walked out, followed by Allison and Zakiya.

I turned everything off downstairs and went to my room. I put Brooke in her crib and set in my bed crying.

*Cedric's POV*

Why the fuck did this loud mouth bitch come and run her mouth? I never even liked her. Only reason I put up with Zakiya is because that's Tiff friend. But since she came in between me and my bae, I'm gone have to show her ass who she messing with.

First I'm gone have to see if this baby mines or not. If it is only thing I can do is take care of it, but I'm praying its not.

I only want Tiffany, I want me, her and Brooke to be a little family. If I have another baby that'll ruin the whole thing.


I went home and took a long shower. After I got out I got my phone and went through it to look for Shaka number. I dialed the number and waited for her to answer. 

Shaka: Bout time you called. What you want?

Me: We need to take a blood test and find out who yo baby daddy is. When you trying to do it?

Shaka: Whenever you got time, but let's get off that subject. Baby I miss you.

I took the phone from my ear and hung it up. I ain't got time for her, I'm trying to hurry up and make things right with Tiffany.

*3 weeks later*

Today I get the test results back to see if that baby Shaka had is mine. I'm praying its not because I don't want to have to put up with Shaka ratchet ass. She's one of those baby mama's who'd put her baby daddy through hell and I don't have time for that.

I was in the living room looking out the window waiting to see the mail man pass through. When he did I shot downstairs to my mail box to receive my mail. I texted Shaka to let her know I got the results, then called Tiffany.

I missed her and every time I went to her house to see Brooke, I would try and speak to her but she rolls her eyes and walks off.

On the third ring she answered.

Tiff: Hello?

Me: Wussup bae, I got the test results.

Tiff: I'm not yo bae, anyways, are you the daddy?

Me: I don't know yet, haven't opened it.

Tiff: Well go head and open it, I wanna know if Brooke has a sibling.

I was nervous to open the mail. My hands started shaking as I pulled the note out of the envelope. I unfolded the note and read out loud.

"In the case of three year old, Deshun H. Carter, we would like to inform you that. Cedric M. Harris, is......."

Tiffany and I both gasped at the same time...

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