Chapter 12

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"Wake up, we have to go to the doctors." My mom said walking in my room and pulling my covers from over me.

I grouched and got out of bed, of course when I got to the bathroom I threw up. My mom said something under her breath and walk out the room. I rolled my eyes and continued my business.

It took me forty-five minutes to get dressed and when I walked downstairs my mom was waiting in the living room.

"You know when you start getting big you won't be able to wear those little tight outfits you like to wear?"

I looked in her direction and said nothing. I know I messed up but it didn't mean she had to be so ugly towards me. I grabbed a banana out the kitchen and walked outside to wait by the car.

The car ride to the doctors was silent , I tried to cut on the radio but she turned it back off. I set back in my seat and got out my phone to entertain myself. I figured I'd text Cedric and let him know I was going to the doctors, but before I could text him, he called me.


"Aye you okay? Why you ain't text me back?"

My mom cleared her throat and looked at me out the corner of her eyes. I shrugged her off and continued to talk.

"My bad I went to sleep after you left, I'm on my way to the doctors office right now."

"I'm coming up there give me bout 15 minutes."

"Okay see you in a little."

"I love you."

My heart dropped to my stomach and all I could do was smile. "Love you to Cedric."

I hung up the phone and heard my mom mumble something under her breath again. I shook my head and looked out the window. I wasn't going to let her get to me, I messed up and I know I did but I was going to be responsible.

We walked into the doctor's office and waited for 10 minutes to be called back. The doctor asked a couple of questions and gave me a test, once I took it he left the room and returned back and confirmed I was about 5 weeks.

Just when we were about to do a ultrasound Cedric called and asked where I was.

When he walked in the room he automatically looked my way and smiled. He spoke to my mom and walked over to me

"So you pregnant?" He asked.

"Yup, 5 weeks."

"I hope you plan on taking care of this child you helped make." My mom said from where she was sitting.

Cedric turned to her and said yes. Then walked to the opposite side of the room and set down so the doctor could continue with the ultrasound.

When we were finish my mom still had a attitude and said nothing to me or Cedric. We left out the building and all walked to my moms car.

"I have errands to run, your baby daddy can take you home." My mom said only unlocking the driver's side door.

My feelings was hurt when she did that. I didn't understand why she was being so mean to me now. I would expect her not to be like that but she was. Cedric put his arms around me and we walked to his car.

Once we both got in a tear ran down my face.

"Stop all that crying, she gone lighten up Tiff." Cedric said holding my face.

I moved his hand and set my head on the window. I just couldn't believe that this happened to me so fast. I was about to be a mom and I hadn't even lived my life yet. On top of that, who would have thought that Cedric would be the father.

One day I couldn't stand him and was telling him how I wouldn't give him a chance, then the next day he was the only person I wanted to be around.

I laughed a little at the irony of the situation.

"I'm guessing you hungry?"

"I really am! All I could think about was food at the doctor's." I said laughing.

He smiled and showed his dimples. I suggested we go get breakfast food since I didn't eat anything but a banana this morning.

We pulled up to The Waffle House and I remembered the night we came here when Zakiya and Allison left me.

Speaking of them, I don't know how their going to take the news.

Cedric tried his best to get my mind off the our situation and he did a good job at it. We laughed and talked about random stuff. He had me in a better mood after what happened today with my mom.

I spent the whole day with him and I loved every minute of it. I didn't want the day to end but it was starting to get late and I had school the next day.


"Tiffany! Man if you don't hurry up I'm gone leave yo ass foreal this time." Brandon yelled from behind the bathroom door.

I was finished getting dressed but was throwing up from morning sickness.

"I'm almost done." I hollered.

When I said that he twisted the doorknob and walked in to see me sitting on the bathroom floor.

"Damn you sick? Why you ain't trying to stay home?"

"I'll be fine, let's go." I said getting up walking to the sink to re-brush my teeth.

"What's wrong Tiff?" Brandon asked looking me up and down.

I turned to face him and took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."

He looked at me for a long time and didn't speak. I stood there anticipating on what he was going to say next.

"You pregnant? What the fuck? How the hell can you be so stupid man?"

I didn't say anything I only stood there and cried. My mom was passing judgment and now him.

He came to me and hugged me.

"That nigga Cedric the daddy right?" I shook my head yes.

"Damn I'm disappointed in you Tiff, you ain't supposed to be like the rest of these girls out here."

He rubbed my back and told me to clear my face. I did so and left out of my room. The car ride to school was normal, Brandon didn't say anything else about me being pregnant after we left the house and I was glad. I just wanted to go to school and get my mind off of the problem.

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