Chapter 21

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Tiffany, scared out her mind, had managed to get out of Cedric's grasp. When she did, Cedric went straight for the nightstand to pull out his gun but before he could turn around Tiffany had threw the remote at his face causing him to drop the gun on the floor.

"You stupid bitch." He screamed, holding his nose.

Tiffany didn't care what he said, the only thing on her mind was getting the hell away from Cedric. She ran up and pushed him into the nightstand causing him to stumble and fall. She picked up the gun and was situating it in her hands.

Before she could turn it on him Cedric charged at her and knocked her to the ground putting her back into the position she was in on the bed.

"What you thought you was gone do? Kill me?" He asked, tightening his grip around her neck.

"Stop..." was the only thing she could get out.

She could barley breath and was on the verge of passing out. Cedric grabbed his gun and was about to place it to her head when he heard foot steps coming up the hall. When the figure came into the doorway he aimed the gun towards it, and shot.

It was Brandon. Coming to save his little cousin from the person she thought "loved" her and would never harm her.

*Tiffany's POV*

Cedric picked up the gun and I closed my eyes tight. Then two gun shots went off and I opened my eyes. It wasn't me that he hit.

He let me go and ran somewhere. I was weak and could barley move but I was going to get away from him. I worked my way up on my feet and when I looked down I seen Cedric on the floor holding Brandon.

Brandon had a pool of blood surrounding him and was breathing heavy.

"You killed him!" I screamed in horror. I ran up to him about to strike but he moved back and put his hand up to his face.

"I'm sorry Tiffany. I'm sorry! There's something wrong with me, I don't mean to react the way I do. I have a problem, please forgive me." He was on his knees crawling to me.

I was confused and didn't know what to do. "Stay the fuck back Cedric." I ran past him and picked up the gun he had laying beside Brandon.

"Brandon I got you! Just hold on for me!" I said to Brandon.

I turned and pointed the gun to Cedric, he got to his feet and put both hands up. I looked at him in the eyes and began to cry.

"Cedric I loved you, I really loved you. We made a mistake and you was there for me when I was going through a hard time. We set there and had a beautiful child together and I thought we were going to live a happily ever after. but no! You wanted to put your hands on me and not only hurt me physically but mentally. I had goals before I met you! Big goals Cedric! Big ones! But when I messed around and got pregnant by you I had to put that aside. I had to grow up to early because of you and now look where we at." I closed my eyes, looked away and pulled the trigger just one time.

I don't know if I hit him or not because when I heard the gun sound go off I dropped it and ran towards the front door. Before I could reach it, police officers rushed in and slung me to the ground putting me in handcuffs. The rest of the police officers went to the back.

"Sir, please its not what it looks like." I said trying to convince the officer.

"Call the ambulance pronto !" Another officer yelled from the bedroom.

The officer picked me up and laid me on the couch. "Don't you move young lady." He said. I watched him leave out the living room and put my head down in shock.

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