Chapter 19

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*Cedric POV* 1 month later*

' "I'm sorry, I didn't...." Before she could finish coming up with a lie I hit her with the brass knuckles. This time Nic didn't stop me. She screamed to the top of her lungs, I still didn't stop. Then all of a sudden she stopped screaming and her breathing slowed down. '

That night replayed in my head so many times. Killing Shaka wasn't the plan, I just wanted to teach her a lesson. I felt guilty but at the same time I didn't give two fucks. She should have never caused all that drama in my life. Serves her right. Yeah, I know I was wrong for doing her like that but it is what it is.

I shook the thought about what happened out my head, I crossed both my arms behind my head and laid back on my pillow. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

About a hour later I was woken up by Brooke's laughter. Tiffany had her in the bed and was playing with her. I rolled over and smiled at the both of them.

I was happy to have them in my life. Me and Tiff was back together and she even moved in with me. If I didn't have them I think I would have went crazy with guilt, but their the reason I did it. She came between my family and ended up getting killed. That's just how it goes.

"You finally up?" Tiff asked, still playing with Brooke. 

I smiled and nodded. I got up to go to the restroom to brush my teeth.

"Hey Cedric, my mama not working and wants to watch Brooke tonight, want to do something?" Tiffany yelled from in the living room.

I put my toothbrush up and walked out the restroom. "Yea, what you wanna do?"

"I want to go Allison's party..." I looked at her like she was crazy. What she trying to go to a party for? She sitting right her at home. I shook my head no.

"Na, we can do something else, no parties."

she pouted and poked out her lips. "But its her end of the school year party bae, I told her I'd go." I didn't say anything. "Please?" She asked one last time.

I rolled my eyes. "If that's what you want to do." She kissed my cheek and smiled. "Come on let's get you dressed fat mama we have to go to grannys." She picked up Brooke and carried her to her room.

*5 hours later*

Allison's party was packed and I wasn't feeling like being around a lot of people. Especially these thirsty niggas looking at Tiffany. She was thick before but after she had Brooke, she was even thicker. If any of these dudes try something I'm busting a jaw.

I could tell Tiffany was excited to be at the party. She was talking and greeting all the people she knew. I just followed behind her not saying a thing.

Tiffany was talking to some girl when I seen Nic walk up.

"You good?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm good, we need to talk business though. Asap!" He responded back. I nodded and turned back to see Tiffany looking at me confused.

"Ugh, what's going on" She asked.

"Nothing, I'm about to walk with Nic for awhile." I kissed her and followed Nic out the party.

We went to his car and set down on the hood. Before we started talking he pulled out a blunt and lit it. I took a puff, passed it back to him, and started talking "So what's going on?" I asked.

He took a long pull then exhaled. "Man, I'm starting to feel bad about what happened. I hear her mama called the police and they looking for her, its getting big too!"

"Oh I already know, I seen them Instagram post about her missing. Don't worry though, don't nobody know what we did." I said, sounding calm.

"So what we gone do? I've been thinking about telling..."

Before he finished I cut him off. "We gone keep our mouths shut and not say shit, and if you think about snitching I'll kill yo ass next." I finished what I had to say and got off the car. I walked back into the party and started dancing with Tiffany. 


*Tiffany POV*

I walked into the house extremely tired and ready to go to sleep. I had danced with Cedric and my friends the whole night and was exhausted.

I guess Cedric had other things in mind because he was full of energy and when I reached the bedroom he picked me up and slung me on the bed. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Whats up with you?" I asked.

"I want you tonight." He said planting kisses all over. I smiled and laid back. He reached my lips and deepened our kiss. The room got hot and before I know it he was ripping off my clothes and pulling his shirt over his head.

He unsnapped my bra and moved down to my breast and began sucking them. Tingles when all through my body and I was enjoying his touch. I let out soft moans and while rubbing the back of his neck.

Then he moved down to take off my panties. I set up on my elbows and smirked at him.

He looked up at me and gave me a lustful smile.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and laid back down. Cedric's tongue flipped up and down and was doing all types of tricks. I was loving every bit of it, and could feel me getting wetter and wetter with every flip of his tongue.

I reached climax and he kept going until I couldnt take anymore and screamed stop. He laughed and moved his body on top of mines.

"I hope you ready cause I'm not stopping this time." He whispered in my ear. Tingles shot down my body. He pushed himself in slowly and began stroking me.


Its was about 3AM when we finished. I got out the bed and went to the restroom to take a shower. When I was finished Cedric was up watching television.

"You still tired?" he asked. "Yes, very!"

"Come on don't go to sleep on me, stay up and watch some TV with me or something." He asked. I thought about then blew my breath.


He moved over and made room for me. I crawled under him and laid my head on his chest. Reruns of Law and Order was on and we were watching that. I looked up at Cedric to see him looking like he was deep in thought.

"What's on you mind?" I asked. He unwrapped my arms from around him and I set up looking at him confused. He turned the lamp on and cut off the TV.

"Listen. If you ever leave me I'll fucking kill you. Understand? I love you and would never let you leave me! Even if I go away for a long time. You'll be always mine and if you ever try leaving me you'll regret it and end up like that bitch Shaka. DEAD!"

I was confused and shocked at what he was saying. First he's making love to me then the next he's threatening me. I felt a lump in my throat and started getting scared.

"What.. what's your problem?"

He looked at me hard, then laughed. "What you mean bae? Nothing wrong with me. Come on lay back down."

He cut the lamp off then pulled me back down to lay on him. I laid there in the dark thinking about what he had just said. Is he trying to kill me? What does he mean I'm gone end up like Shaka?

I was so confused. I tried to get out off his arms but he wouldn't let me go. So I set there, the whole night, just thinking. I dont want to be with him anymore... I've been feeling this way for awhile but tried to stay with him because I felt I had to. But tonight only confirmed that I don't need to be with him... only thing is I'm scared of his reaction now.

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